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Veggie Tray Decorated Sugar Cookie Collection

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This year I started an office manager position at a wellness chiropractic center.

I really believe in the things these folks are doing.....and wanted to develop

a low-carb cookie that I could share with them and their patients.

We had an open house and I brought the veggie tray. :)

Here's the simple grain-free (and gluten-free) cut-out sugar cookie recipe.

I used various circle cutters for most of the veggie cookies.

For the yellow bell pepper cookies, I used a long oval, and then moved the cutter 

over approximately 1/2" to create the long strips of pepper.

I used a large hibiscus flower cutter to get the tops of broccoli and cauliflower. :)

The carrots were made with a long oval with the bottom chopped off and rounded out.

And for the mushrooms I used a wider oval and cut the bottom sides to form stems.

Eating healthy never looked so good. ;)

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Grain Free & Gluten Free Sugar Cookie Recipes

2012 Grain Free and Gluten Free Sugar Cookie Recipe

2016 Simple Grain Free & Gluten Free Cut Out Sugar Cookies Recipe 

Veggie Tray Decorated Sugar Cookie Collection