Decorating With Glaze......Part 1 — CookieCrazie

Decorating With Glaze......Part 1 that we've talked about cookie dough, cutting shapes, making icing, coloring icing, & bagging is time to decorate. Hurray!

As I've said before, I use one consistency of icing via the 10 second rule to check my icing (click the link to watch my silly video).

I have found that it works best to outline the cookie first (using a #1 or #2 tip.....usually #2) and then flood the cookie with a #3 or #4 tip (depends on how big the area is to fill).  I did some basic circles (snowballs!) a few weeks ago and took pictures of the outlining and flooding.

If you are wanting to use different base colors on the cookie.....always start with the darker particular red, black, & navy. Since these colors tend to bleed helps to put them on first and let the cookie dry for a while. I would say to let it dry for at least an hour. And as I said doesn't necessarily guarantee no bleeding......but I think it decreases the amount. (I'm convinced that it is almost impossible to not have red icing bleed at least a little!)

I wanted to put a heart in the middle of this first I outlined the mitten and the heart....

I then filled in the outer blue color so that it could dry for a while.

Once it was fairly dry.....I filled in the middle part to get this result....

Oh....I also added the lines at the bottom of the mitten. When you are using doesn't hold it's always falls down into a flat surface. So when you are putting on can't put them too close together or they will run together. So make sure you put enough space in between lines or dots in order to keep them separated.

More decorating pictorials to come......

Now for some Valentines very first set for this year......finally! :)

 I used Food Doodlers food color markers to make the stitches, words, and Xs & Os. :) There's several other great brands out there as well.

And finally.....I thought I'd show you a picture (not pretty....but you get the idea) of our 10" of snow yesterday. My daughter, Jill, was cleaning off her cute little "new" car yesterday when I took this from our front door. :)

Every time I look out the window....I smile.

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