Decorating With Glaze......Part 2 — CookieCrazie

Decorating With Glaze......Part 2

In order to plan different base colors on a cookie, I use thin white icing as my "grid" or "map". I will pipe white in order to divide up the cookie or place a certain shape in a certain place. The reason this works is because all other colors will "take over" white (bleed into) you rarely have to worry about the white showing later.

In this case, I wanted to put a pattern in the middle of my winter first I outlined the pattern area with white.

Next I added the darker color for the rest of the glove and let it dry. 

Next is the another darker color to fill in the rest of the glove. Since my purple was dry, I added the lines at the base of the glove too.

And once all of the darker colors were adequately dry (probably 15-30 would have been more if it was red or black).....I added my white middle with a pattern.

 This is NOT my favorite the way.....but it was the one I started taking pics of from the it was all I had. : /

 Whenever I want to use white as the main background.....but also want to have some darker colors touching it.....I put the darker colors in first to dry before adding the white.

Detailing with glaze takes lots of patience. Since you're not going to get texture with it, you have to force texture by layering. That takes time. In actual time, it might only take me just a few minutes to decorate a cookie......but if it has lots of can take me an hour or more to finish it with all the added drying time.

For these birthday cakes.....I wanted the layers to look distinct, so I piped the bottom and top layers first, guessed it.....let them dry. :) This drying time would only be 5-10 min since it's purpose is to make a more defined look in the layers. (By the way.....I do not time the drying of icing....I'm just guessing at the amounts. ;) Usually.....I pipe the first part and go on to several other cookies and then come back to the second part later. Definitely no clock watching there.)

Then I added the middle layer and the candles.  Finally I'll add the stripes on the candles and the flame.

I hope to do more pictorials of decorating in the near future.

Just a reminder......tonight at midnight (CST) is the deadline for the January Ecrandal blog give-away. I hope to announce the five winners tomorrow!
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