Ukraine..............Two Days! — CookieCrazie

Ukraine..............Two Days!

Only two days until I leave for Ukraine. I still can't believe it is almost here. I'm so excited!

I made lots of small cookies to give to the Ukrainians. We'll have our first women's retreat next Monday through Wednesday.....and are expecting 50 + women there. And then we'll try to visit at least 50 homes of the seniors the rest of the time we are there. I have about 130 I think I'm covered. :)

I'm always trying to figure out what are the best shapes to do for UA. Some things we have in the States they wouldn't relate to at all. So I chose flowers, butterflies, ladybugs, and tea pots.

I'm hoping for one last post tomorrow before I leave on Thursday morning. I want to show you the fun cookies I made for my ministry team members. 

Thanks for all your prayers, notes, and support! I really appreciate all of you so much. :)
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