Cookies for a December Birthday GIRL — CookieCrazie

Cookies for a December Birthday GIRL

Happy New Year everyone!
I can hardly believe that it is 2012. I've written enough today at work to know it is real......but it still is hard to believe.
We try to prepare for it.....but when it happens, it's almost like.....wait a minute!!!!.....where did last year go? I want it back! :)

I promised I'd show the birthday cookies I came up with for Kayle, my son's girlfriend....who also has a birthday in December. It was fun to add the pink accents.

Oh boy.....this week I get to go back into the kitchen and start working on cookies. Yeah! I'm excited. My little "vacation" refreshed me and lit my fire again.................. Look out SNOW/WINTER related cookies and VALENTINES I come!
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