CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, June 15, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter......Friday, June 15, 2012

Time to chat some more......

Another exciting event is happening this fall. 

Ocala Cake Club, Inc.
September 29-30, 2012 
Courtyard by Marriott 3712 SW 38th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474

Presenters include:
PH Delites, Melanie Judge  
Cookie artist "Linedancer", Carole Firstenberger
Lisa Menz  
Special Presentation from Photofrost 
Jane Koon   
I have the honor and privilege to present workshops at this event.
 Check out all the information HERE.

And don't forget, even though CookieCon is sold out,
you can still get on the waiting list.

There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
If you have your CookieCon ticket and use FB
but aren't in the group yet,
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.


CookieCrazie Fave Pics/Tutos of the Week


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side
I had planned to share about my "day job"
(actually just Saturday job)
earlier this week when I was planning this CCChatter.
Funny thing is.....that my "Saturday job" unexpectedly took over
part of my weekdays this week and I've been paddling upstream ever since.
I had to go into work twice this week for various
activities and training and it dipped into my "cookie time". ;)
And now, I'm sitting here in at the computer finding it humorous that
I'd planned to tell you a little about my Saturday job before I
knew what this week would look like.

So my life looks very different on Saturdays compared to the
rest of the week when I'm just Mom or CookieCrazie. :)
I am a Laboratory Medical Technologist......
or the new name for my profession is
Clinical Laboratory Scientist.
I like the new name the best.
It just sounds so much more intelligent and important. ;)

I perform testing of blood, urine, body fluids, etc
in the hospital laboratory setting
 to help clinicians diagnose and treat their patients.
It is a pretty exciting job (re: stressful!).
There's no end to the things needing to be done
and when it gets is REALLY crazie!

Last weekend I worked on the Blood Bank side
so I took some pics to give you a little glimpse into my "other life".

The Blood Bank provides blood products
including Red Blood Cells, Platelets, and Fresh Frozen Plasma.
In most don't want to be needing such products.
If you do, you're pretty sick.

And that's my Saturdays in a very small nut shell.

I still have Ukraine work hanging over my head.
I couldn't touch it this week.
This next week I have plans to set aside at least
two whole days to work on it.
Since we leave in about a month.......
I need to get cracking and have things ready SOON.

A couple of crisis in the household this week......
but I think we're surviving.
It's that my kids are grown,
most of the time it is fairly calm and easy going here.
But when the issues arise,
they are usually much bigger issues than
when my kids were small.
I guess it is just all part of parenting.

Most days I'm thrilled to be a mom. :)

I received lots of great reviews about CookieCrazie Chatter last week, 
so it's going to hang around for a while. :)

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