CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, October 12, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter.......Friday, October 12, 2012



There are  still someCookie Con tickets available...
I'd love to see you there.
Go get a ticket. :)

There is a Facebook group specifically for CookieCon attendees.
Those with a CookieCon ticket.....
contact me and I'll make sure you find the group.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side was Christmas around here this week.
CRAZIE, I know.
I was working on a special Christmas project for a group.
With CookieCon coming in just three weeks......
I need to get ahead on a few things.

It was a very good week.
It was cool and crisp outside.....FALL! Love it.
And I had a successful cookie week.....and photography week.
(Last week my photography was lacking with all the dark cold days.)

My son's wedding is fast approaching.....
and there's a few things to do for that.
Being the mother-of-the-groom is an interesting position.
I feel kind of powerless and less informed, but it's OK.
At least I don't have very many responsibilities. :)

Next week I'll be back to doing fall/autumn cookies.
I'm still not tired of them.
This will probably be my last chance to do them
because I've got a lot of prep to do for CookieCon.

Instagram photos for this week:


She makes me smile.....

A sneak peek of my scarecrow collection. 

It may seem a little early.... but my cookie week will feature Christmas in October. ;)

Haha..... Christmas in October while the scarecrows sit in the basket saying, "What??" :)

Making snowflakes...... Having a blast pretending it's Christmas this week. :)

Those little snowflakes and other "ornaments" are working for the effect I was trying to achieve. :)

Just a little sneak peek. Today is a wonderful Christmasy photo shoot. :)
Now the rest of these photos will wait until December...... 


Last week's chatter....

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