CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 7, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 7, 2012

CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Better week......for sure.

My computer is not 100%......
but I have moments when it feels like it is. ;)
Then it misbehaves and I fiddle with things until they are better.
So at least I'm not feeling so lost this week.

GREAT cookie week!
I had a big order.....well....a big order for me. ;)
I don't do too many orders anymore,
so when I have to do several dozen at a time,
it feels like a LOT. haha

I made multiples of 12 different Christmas cookies.
And the coolest part......
I'm going to do a tutorial on each one of them.
AND....they are simple. Yeah!

My photo session was super duper long, but I think it will be worth it.
Now.....I've just got to find time to post all the tutorials. lol

Next week, I've got to finalize everything for Christmas.....
because the following week I"ll be doing WEDDING COOKIES.
I'm a little nervous, but we're trying to do simple designs, so it will be fine.
At least....that's what I keep tell myself.....

All three of my college students finish up next week.
Keith will come home from Florida.....most of the fam hasn't seen him since August.
It will be wonderful to have him home. :)
He's one of my biggest cookie fans......there's a special place in my heart for that one.

I guess I'll be busy editing a SLEW of photos! Stay tuned. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Four of my Christmas trees in one photo. :) Have I mentioned that I love Christmas....

Super fun photo shoot.....

 Awwww......those BRP ornament boxes look do cute on my cookie tree. :)

A Gingerbread Christmas :)

Just the beginning..... Lovin' it!

It's working.....and not near as hard as it looks! :)

Gingerbread Cookie Village under the gingerbread Christmas tree. :)

Finding lots of ways to use my sheen airbrush colors for Christmas.....


Last week's chatter....

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