CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 11, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 11, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

ahhhhh.......Things are back to normal here at my house.

My college students are back to school.
Everyone else is back to work......
and I've gotten a chance to bake and decorate cookies this week.


I love winter......snow, being cold.....therefore needing to
snuggle in a soft blanket and drink something warm.
But for whatever reason......our winters are not much different than the rest of the year. :(
This week I tried to encourage the season with snowmen, snowflakes, a sled, etc..... to no avail. : /
It is in the 50s today. Sigh......

Oh week I'll move to Valentines Day cookies and see what happens. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Back on the saddle.....errrrr....DoBord... again. Feels wonderful! :)

 Wow.....I didn't know I had so much "greyscale" related bling for my decorating. ;)

 I'm likin' greyscale. :) Thanks Georganne.

Sure.....I decide to build a snowman inside when it's a balmy 57 degrees outside.
I had no idea it was crazie to celebrate winter in January! Sigh.....

Even though it is NOT wintry outside, this little guy skates
happily inside his own little winter wonderland. :)


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