Tulip Cookies (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Tulip Cookies (Tutorial)

I love tulips.
OK....well....I love flowers.
But tulips are one of my VERY favorites. :)

I have some tulip cutters, but I'm never super happy with cookies made from them.

So I while looking at my cutters, I saw this plaque cutter from Karen's Cookies
and decided it would make a perfect rendition of tulip cookies.

I did two different designs.
One includes a stem and leaves.
The other is just the flower.....after you trim the base edges off.

I outline and flood the middle section of the tulip.

Once it has dried for at least 30 minutes or more,
outline and flood the outer petals.

For the stemmed tulip, pipe the stem and leaves first.
Allow to dry. Then you can add the tulip same as above.
(Please forgive me for failing to take a second photo of this tulip cookie in process.)

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