CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 16, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 16, 2014

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CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

I'm sitting here shivering in the middle of May as it got down in the 40s this morning.
What a bunch of bizarre weather we've had in the last several months, huh?
This week's cookies reflect hot, sunny at least I can look at them and feel some warmth.

I did a fun vintage country/folk themed patriotic set this week.
Making the cookies looked "aged" is so cool......
but then I wonder if people that aren't fans of that style like eating "aged" cookies. haha
Oh well.....I give them all who can complain about a gift in the form of a cookie?

Things in the Ukraine are not looking good.
My heart gets so heavy when I think about what the future could hold for them.
Please keep them in your prayers.
We still plan to go in August......but things would have to miraculously change 
for that trip to take place. 
So sad.......

The wedding is just TWO WEEKS away!
Next week I'm busy making 150 wedding cookies.
I'm super excited about the designs that Allison has picked.
Once the cookies are completed.......I can "semi-relax" and just enjoy the festivities.
(Spoken just like a cookier, huh?)


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday! 

Remembering the effect of pearl luster dust on the blueberry cookies made.....
I tried it on the bottom ⅔ of the sunglasses lens.
I like it!
(It doesn't always work out the way you think it will, but it's worth a try, right?)

Happy Monday!
Here's some summer yummy-ness created last week. Mmmmm......

A Monday happy......quilting-effect proved successful.
Oh, the things that thrill us CRAZIE cookie people.

It's a red, white and blue kind of day. :)

The birds are chirping happily outside this morning.
It's going to be a great Wednesday.
I wish that for you as well!

Yeah! Got the photo shoot done before the rainstorm.
Perfect lighting with overcast skies.


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