CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 25, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, July 25, 2014

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CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It's been a very difficult week.
My Father-in-law passed away on Sunday.
It was he has been suffering from throat CA for months now.

The funeral was Wednesday.
Sadly, just hours before the funeral, Allan's niece-in-law died from medication complications.
(She & her husband & son had come for the funeral in Memphis.)
Nicole was only in her early 30s. 
Her son is 4 years old.

Needless to say, the funeral was doubly difficult with this tragic news on the entire family's mind.
But we celebrated Gerald Sneed's incredible life, and praised God for his legacy.
It was a beautiful service.

Thankfully we had the rest of the day to spend together and process the events as a family.
It is still too fresh and painful to think about for too long.......
but I'm sure with time things will slowly heal.

Please keep Joseph (Nicole's husband) and Nathan (her son) in your prayers.

The Ukraine trip is only three weeks away.
I am trying to regroup after this week's events and figure out all I need to do to prepare.
I'm thankful for a busy schedule.
It helps to stay active and work hard to make a difference.

Life is but a vapor.
Make every moment count!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Friday!

Greyscale Cookies from last year.....
Happy Saturday!!

Schoolhouse Cookies using new CC custom cutters made by creativecookier.

Having some Autumn fun this week.
(And yes, I'm very early. I'm busy with a mission trip and
my daughter's wedding in the next two months, so I'm trying to get ahead. ;))
Pumpkin cutter & Acorn cutter

More fall fun...... from @creativecookier
Tall Pumpkin Cutter
Crookneck Squash Cutter
Truck Cutter
Gooseneck Gourd Cutter

Back To School Word Fun.
Happy Thursday!


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