CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 22, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 22, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

What an exciting week it has been!
And I can't believe that the first week of our Ukraine trip has already passed.
The time is flying by.
But so many wonderful things are happening.
God is blessing us right and left.....
and the people are soaking up all the encouragement we can give. 
We are just finishing the women's retreat this morning.
It has been the most glorious one we have ever had.
I have had many opportunities to be with the ladies.....
more times without an interpreter than in the past.
And it has really helped me to see their hearts and share love with them without words.
It is amazing how we can communicate without knowing each other's language.

The ladies have had a fabulous time of Bible study, recreation and rest.
We were all pretty teary last night when we had our final session.
They gave me a beautiful gift and tribute.
I expressed my love and gratefulness for another opportunity to be with them.
But we don't know what the next year holds.....
so this could be our last time together.
I reminded them that I love them so much, and will come back if God allows.
And if not, I reminded them to remember all the promises of God no matter what they face.
As you can imagine.....many many tears were shed.
But was abounding!

Today we go back to Borislav. 
I am going to get to teach a few young ladies how to decorate cookies!
And then we start visiting about 40 homes in that area.
We have a wedding to attend this weekend.
And I'll be teaching parts of my Bible study in two different more settings this next week.
It will be extremely busy.....but very rewarding.
I look forward to sharing with you next week.....if we get some wifi time.
Sending you all my love and gratefulness!


Instagram photos for this week:

And we're off.....well sort of.
We are sitting at the gate watching the delay become so long that we may
miss our flight into Munich from Washington Dulles.
Prayers are welcome for a little travel miracle.

Some lovelies for your Friday.

A penny for your thoughts...... (Gumball Cookies from last year).
I've arrived in L'viv Ukraine and all is well. I'll post as I can. 

Our first Sunday in Ukraine.....doing well and having a fabulous time.
(We haven't had internet in the in Borislav....but now we are at the women's retreat
and they have wifi in their lobby. 😊)
I'll post more soon.

A sunflower to brighten your Thursday.... 
A throwback from last year....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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