Baseball Cookies (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Baseball Cookies (Tutorial)

I'm not much of a sports person.
But my son-in-law loves baseball.
And since I'll do just about anything for my family.......
here's some crazie vintage-y baseball cookies. :)

The cookie shape is easy.......circles!

Outline and flood a portion of the circle in white glaze as shown below.
There's more than one choose which works best for you.

Allow the initial flood to dry at least 30 minutes......
and then flood the remaining portion.

Once the cookies have dried for about 1-1/2 to 2 hours,
poke stitch holes along the seams with a cake tester as shown below.

Add red stitches from the stitch hole to the seam on just one side of the seam.
(see baseball on left below)
After the initial stitches have dried at least 15 minutes, add the opposite sides stitches.

Dry overnight.

Add a vintage-feel to the dried baseball cookies with some luster dust.
Any of these colors will work well..... chocolate, deep brown, or caramel
(Caramel is my new favorite!)

Jake's Baseball Cookie Collection
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