2015 PreCookieCon Classes — CookieCrazie

2015 PreCookieCon Classes



There was a new feature at this year's CookieCon.
Pre-CookieCon Specialty and Hands-On classes were offered on Wednesday and Thursday
before the actual event began.

I had the honor and privilege to teach classes on glaze and share lots of fun decorating techniques.

The first class was Glaze Cookie Decorating 101: Gratifying Glaze.
This four-hour hands-on class covered all the basics of using glaze.
Most of my students had never used glaze before,
so this allowed them the chance to decorate with it and learn all it's great properties.

The second class (offered both Wed afternoon and Thurs morning) was
Glaze Cookie Decorating 201: It's all in the Details.
This class covered the more advanced techniques I use, in particular adding texture.
We also made edible clay in class, discussed all it's uses, and added it to our class projects.

What a delightful time we had!
I was a bit nervous, as there was SO MUCH to think about
with doing hands on decorating far away from home.
Just getting all the supplies there and prepping beforehand in the hotel was quite a task.

Two of my students couldn't make it to class because of some severe extenuating circumstances.
So we did a little "make-up" class on Saturday morning
where I attempted to pour everything I could into both of them in a shorter amount of time.
It was fun to have all the one-on-one time.

Thankfully, I had two AMAZING ladies who helped me through the whole process.
We worked hard for about 48 hours straight (not quite enough sleep in there!).
There was lots to do from the moment we arrived at the hotel
until the classes were over on Thursday afternoon.
I could NOT have done it without Nancy Paine and Cristin Sohm.
(Thank you ladies again. I am blessed to have such generous friends!)

The Pre-CookieCon classes were such good experience and
I would do it again without a second thought.

In fact, I'm considering teaching more classes on my own.
If you're interested in helping me set up one in your area,
I need some assistance with a venue and a source of local help.
Email me if you are interested.

 CookieCon was amazing all by itself.....but to add these hands-on classes put the week over-the-top.

Thanks Karen and Mike for the opportunity to share and grow.

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