CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 18, 2015 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 18, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

I finished out my last weekend of work at the hospital......and now I'm FREE. haha
It's a bit scary.....but I'm trusting God will show me where to go from here.

The last week to prepare for Christmas......such a FUN time!
I'm excited about going to my son-in-law's family's cookie baking day on Sunday.
I'm going to take gingerbread men for everyone to decorate. :)

This next week I'll make some final Christmas cookies for the extended family.
We'll head to Memphis for the actual holiday to spend it with my in-law family.
Then we'll celebrate Christmas with all my kids and their spouses on January 1.
(Yes, I'm one of THOSE moms that tries to help everyone to space out the holiday
and not rush from place to place to place on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
I've spent too many years jumping from each family celebration.....
with five kids, we were so busy it was hard to enjoy it.)

It's such a blessed holiday season. 
I hope that you are making memories and enjoying each little detail.


Instagram photos for this week:

Baskets this week.....
#basket #weave #ilovetexture #sucessful

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
#shabbychicchristmas #merryChristmas #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear

I just have to say that I love these two cutters from That's A Nice Cookie Cutter.
I've used them on almost every cookie collection since I got them. :)
#heartcookies #heartstack #lovethem

Happy Saturday!
#gifttags #christmascookies #christmas

The new year is just around the corner.....
#2016 #happynewyear #timegoesbysofast

A little bit of sunshine on this gloomy day.....
#springflowers #basketweave #flowerstocheeryouup

Just 10 days.....Exciting times!!
#christmas #gingerbreadman #christmascookies #lantern #themostwonderfultimeoftheyear

Wrapping up gifts for Christmas.....
#christmascookies #cookiedecoratingvideo #giftwrapped #christmasgift

Looking back at last year's Christmas J-O-Y. :)
#christmasjoy #christmas #christmascookies #joytotheworld


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