CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 1, 2016 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 1, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

So I've made a crazie decision to stop decorating cookies and instead decorate cakes.

Gotcha! April Fools. ;)
(Sorry I couldn't resist since it is April Fool's Day today.)

This week I was able to focus on Easter and things for my family's visit
and took a small break from cookies.
It was wonderful to be with everyone and enjoy time together.

It's ended up being a whirlwind week with my son being home taking care of lots of appointments
and possibly getting a job here in the area.
It's very exciting because I think this is a turning point in his life for both his health,
his career and his overall life experience.
I'm so excited for the things ahead for him. :)

I'm getting back into cookies this weekend.......
making some BBQ related cookies using some new cutters from That's A Nice Cookie Cutter.
I'm thrilled about my partnership with Ronnie and all the things we are doing together.
Stay tuned!


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Good Friday!

I hope you have time this weekend to stop and savor moments with family and friends
as we celebrate this blessed holiday.

Happy Easter everyone!
I hope your day is rich and full of memories to savor.
Jesus is risen, indeed!

Happy Tuesday!

It's a gorgeous day in our area.....
Perfect for thinking of summer and all-things-strawberry.

Not exactly a good day to fly a kite with rain and lightening, but we can pretend....

A flashback to fun flowers testing out techniques with edible clay last year.


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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