FAQ — CookieCrazie


Favorite Cookie Recipe?
CookieCrazieBasics: Sugar Cookie Recipe

Chocolate Sugar Cookie Recipe?

How do you get smooth, even, thick cookies?

How many Cookie Cutters do you have?
How do you organize your cookie cutters?
Name some of your favorite cookie cutter shops?
Do you chill your dough before cutting it out?
CookieCrazieBasics: Get Your Dough in Shape - Cookie Cutters

What if you don't have THAT particular cutter?
How do you make a cookie cutter template?
How do you hand cut shapes?
How do you organize your cookie ideas & templates?

Favorite Glaze Icing Recipe?
Why don't you use royal icing?
Can you acheive the same effects with glaze that you do with royal?
What flavorings do you  use in your icing?
Can you save the icing and use later?
Do you need to store the icing in the refrigerator?
CookieCrazieBasics: Glaze Icing Recipe

How do you get such vivid icing colors? Black? White?
How thick should the icing be?
Do you use different consistencies of icing for outline, detailing, and flooding?
What is the "Ten Second Rule"?
Would you demonstarte the "Ten Second Rule"?
Does the Americolor Super Red add a bitter taste to glaze?
CookieCrazieBasics: Coloring Glaze Icing

How do you bag your icing?
What tools do you need to decorate?
What's an easy way to get icing in the bag?
CookieCrazieBasics: Bagging Glaze Icing

How Do You Decorate Cookies? 
How Do you Outline & Flood with glaze icing?
How do you get that "puffier" look when flooding a cookie? 
How do you keep the outline from making a separate line around your cookie?
What tips do you use to outline & flood?

How do you create plaid on your cookies?
Cover the cookie with your base coat/color of icing. While it is still wet, draw lines across the cookie with at least two other colors (wet on wet).

Is all your cookie decor done with a decorating bag and tips?
Everything I do is done with a decorating bag and tips except the tiny stitches I put on my quilted cookies. For that I use a food coloring marker (Food Doodler).

Icing Dry Time?
approx 24 hours....the less corn syrup, the faster the dry time.

Does the icing harden enough to package and ship your cookies?
Yes. Let them dry for 24 hours and then they are ready to package, stack, & ship.

Have you ever gotten white spots or blotching on your icing after it dried?
Yes. :( I'm sad to say that it is a common problem with glaze. It doesn't always happen.....so I'm not sure what causes it, YET! But I'm determined to figure it out and find a way to alleviate it. :) I've heard all kinds of explanations for why it happens, but none of them have proven to be the culprit. I've tried sifting my powdered sugar, mixing the icing more, adding warm water when making the icing, keeping the cookies from a cold draft when they dried, and more.....but nothing seems to make the icing fool proof. Needless to say, when I'm doing a paid order of cookies, I pray a lot and ask God to please keep the uglies away from my cookies......or.....help the customer not see those uglies. :)

Can you prepare the dough or cookies ahead of time before you decorate them?
Yes......the dough can be refrigerated (for a few days) or frozen. You can also cut and bake the cookies and then freeze them. Be sure to put them in an air tight container and when you thaw them, don't open the container until they are room temperature. I've found that the decorated cookies don't freeze well. They get a blotchy, dullness to their colors over time.

How do you make cookie "pops" without baking the stick in the cookie?

I use clear packing tape (it's really strong) and tape the stick onto the back of the bag, two pieces, one in each direction. (Don't tape anywhere from the middle to the bottom of the bag because it's hard to tie a ribbon around that which is taped.) When you put the cookie in the bag (it seems upside down) then wrap the ribbon around both the bag and the stick.

This method allows you to put ANY cookie on a stick without having to put a stick in the cookie prior to baking. The whole process of baking cookies with sticks was daunting (it was hard to get it position right, it made the cookie weaker, I couldn't bake as many on one pan, it is harder to decorate a cookie on a stick, and through any part of this process if I broke one of the cookies.....I was stuck with having to do it all over again!) The possibilities are limitless with this new way and I LOVE it. :)

What model of the Kopy Kake projector do you have and where did you purchase it?
I have the KK 1000 and here is the link to the place it was purchased is HERE.
Also, Sweetopia answered tons of questions about the KK HERE.

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