Steadfast Love Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection — CookieCrazie

Steadfast Love Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

Valentines Day…….I love this holiday.

This year, my goal is to remember the true messages all around me. Even though Valentines Day is generally for couples in love……I wanted to emphasize the true origin of LOVE.

God’s love is the ultimate and it has been such a comfort to me over these many months of thinking about life and death. He loves us so much……and that’s what I want to celebrate this season.

God’s love is steadfast….

Steadfast [ sted-fast] - adjective
fixed in direction; firm in purpose, resolution, and faith, unwavering, firmly fixed in place or position.

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.
Psalm 33:22


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