Photography — Blog — CookieCrazie


Photography Cookies

A fun set I did for my brother-in-law who is a professional photographer.
I told him that I knew that film strips and rolls don't belong in today's
photography world........but that I knew he would remember them well. :)

Dreaming of Fall..... with Apple Cookies

Are you anticipating fall like I am?

Cool, Crisp Weather...
Beautiful Leaves...
Soft Fuzzy Blankets to Cuddle Under....
Crackling Fires...
Sipping Hot Steamy Drinks....

Awww...Can't Wait!

I'm dreaming of fall through apple cookies.....

I put them in my new apple basket that I received as a gift in Ukraine. :)

Big thanks to Josh & Kevin at Shoot Fly Shoot for their awesome Photography video lessons.
I'm now using my DSLR in manual mode and lovin' it! :)

Background Color Makes a Difference (Cookie Photograhy)

Who knew?
I started using different fabrics of assorted colors
to use as backdrops for 
my cookie photos.

It became very apparent one day
that the color REALLY matters.

I took photos of the same 
sets of cookies but used 
three different background colors.

So many lessons to learn, ya know?! 

Exciting news.....I got a new camera this last weekend.
I'm using it for cookie photos
for the first time today.
I'm very excited!!!

Happy Thursday.....

New Toy: Photo Tent

In January, I bought myself a new toy with Christmas money. I'd love to be able to master photographing my cookies. My homemade photo box that Kyle made me a few years ago was falling a part and he's been saying he'd make me a new one.....but it wasn't happening. 

So I decided to splurge and buy one. It's a 30" cube.

I don't know how long it will last.....but for now it is wonderful. And it's nice and big so I can take shots of lots of cookies at once. I got it from Amazon HERE......but it says it is "currently unavailable". I only paid about $30 for I felt like that was a pretty good deal.

I still don't have the "perfect" lighting set up....but when I get things the way I want them.....I'll share about it here.

And of course.....a few Valentines cookies for the day. I'm not overly impressed with my envelopes.....but my creativity was shot after all the lace and "fancy" stuff I did. lol

And my red Valentine cookie jar......

I never get orders for these......but I sure love doing them and then giving them away. ;)

I'm baking up a ton of Valentines cookies today. Lots of decorating to do before Monday....

Photography Challenged

My teens have been laughing at me these last few months as I've tried to take pics of my cookies. I wanted that "perfect" natural light so I didn't have to use a flash and yet still get the vivid colors. You should have seen me carrying my tray of cookies all around the house to find the perfect spot. ;-)

My son kept telling me I needed a "portable photo studio" like he'd seen from "Think Geek". Here's the link. He said he could build I challenged him to do so. And he did!

He used a cardboard box, some packing "foam" paper, and I purchased posterboard and white wrapping paper from the dollar store. So it cost us a total of $3! Here's what he came up with.

And wait till you see the cool results we've gotten from this little box!
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