get well cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

get well cookies

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, April 19, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side
It's been a challenging week.
I'm trying to get ahead on cookies with all the events coming up in the next couple of months....
I have work I need to complete for the Ukraine mission trip....
Life continues to be interesting in the "real world"...

But I'm so grateful to be alive and to have what I have.
I think I reflect on life so much more than I did in the past.
Perhaps it is my age.....but even more so, I think it is the signs of the times.
When I allow myself to listen to all that is going on around me here in my state, country and world...
I get overwhelmed.

But then I remember whose I am and why I'm here.
I remember that God is in control and He is the victor in the end.
And I remember that this is not my home...... what a relief that is!

Cookie decorating was really fun this week. 
(ha.....I think I say that every week. :))
I made some cookies for Mothers Day.
It had me reflecting on being a mom and all that is involved....and what a blessing it is!
It's pouring raining right now. 
April showers!
I love rainy days. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Just a little birthday snack.... :)

Birthday gift cookies....

 Birthday Cake Cookies....

Trying out what looks to be one of my new BFF. :)

A flower it too simple?
I was trying for the effect of Icings by Ang gorgeous flowers from a week or two ago....
but I can't produce the same height with glaze.
I'll try something different tomorrow.

 Aprons and Hearts for Mom....

Much happier with these "simple" flowers. :)

MOM on the frilly girly side....


Last CookieCrazie chatter....

Scrub Top and Adhesive Bandage Cookies (Tutorial)

These scrub top and adhesive bandage cookies were part of a 
set of medical cookies I did for my sister's caregivers last year when she was very ill.

For the bandages, I used a rectangular cutter and ounded off the corners of the cookie dough.
Using a tan glaze, outline and flood a center square for the padded part of the bandage.
Allow it to dry for 30 minutes or so.

Outline and flood the entire cookie with the tan glaze.
I did it two ways.
In the middle cookie, I only flooded the surrounding area of the center rectangle.
In the cookie to the left, I flooded the entire cookie, even over the top of the rectangle.

Allow the cookies to dry for 45 min - 1 hr. 
Then take the end of a "boo boo stick" and poke even holes over the entire bandage.

For the scrub top, I used a regular shirt cutter.
In our hospital, this green color represents the surgery team.....but the color is your choice.
Outline and flood the entire cookie with glaze.

After it has dried a bit, add some detail lines for the sleeves, neckline, and pockets.
Fill in the collar and pockets to give them a more 3D look.

I failed to take photos of adding the details, but after some dry time,
you can add a stethoscope and even a tag inside the neck of the shirt. :)

Get Well Medical Cookie Collection

Here's a set created for my sister to thank her caregivers when she was very ill last year.

I made her a few personalized ones to offer my own get-well-wishes to her, as well. :)

Get Well Cookies: RX Pill Bottles and Pills (Tutorial)

My sister had me make a fun set for her caregivers last year when she was very ill.
I made several different medical-related items.
The pills and bottles were personalized with a very special prescription. :)

To make pills, cut & bake cookie dough in small circles and ovals.
Outline and flood the circles.
After they have dried for 45 min - 1 hr, use a thin spatula to put a small crease across them.
For the capsules, outline and flood half of the ovals.
Cover them in nonpareil sprinkles
Allow them to dry for an hour or so.
Outline and flood the other half of the oval.

I hand-cut the pill bottles after finding a good outline when I googled it.
Outline and flood the bottle with a orange-brown colored glaze.

After it has dried for an hour or more, outline the lid with white glaze into three sections.
Fill in each section separately and allow to dry before adding the next layer.
For the middle section, once it has dried for 45 min - 1 hour,
use a long thin tool (cake tester) and add vertical ridges.

Once it dries overnight, paint a white square on the bottle with Americolor Bright White gel.
After a few hours of drying time, use black food color markers to add 
the lettering and details.

Get Well Vickie!

Now that my sister-in-law has received the get well cookies I sent her.....I can post about it. I wanted it to be a complete surprise, so I didn't want to write about it here or on Flickr until she received them.

My sister-in-law, Vickie, just had a mastectomy a week ago after finding out she has stage III breast cancer. This has been a hard time for her and her family and I wanted to do anything I could to be there for her. Since she lives in Memphis, TN, the possibilities were limited. But God put it on my heart to make some special cookies for her and attached encouraging Bible verses to each one. I sent them on Thursday hoping they'd get there in two days (rather than three days which would have been Monday)......and I just read her caringbridge post finding out she received them yesterday. YAY!

You've seen all the flowers and quilts I sent her. Here are the other cookies I included with them.

These medicine bottles were totally inspired by Polka-Dot-Zebra's version. My writing stinks......but I hope I got the cute sentiment across. :-)

Here's some special one's made just for Vickie.

And finally a group pic of several of the cookies I sent.

This week I'll say good-bye to spring colors and go back to burnt orange, brown, gold and avocado colors when I make lots of Thanksgiving cookies to sell next weekend. I've got a few new designs in mind and can't wait to try them out!
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