honeycomb — Blog — CookieCrazie


Honey Bee Decorated Cookie Collection

Honey Dripper & Honey Comb Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

Let's make honey dripper and honey comb cookies for a fun summer theme!

Cutters used:  chunk of honeycomb cutter, honeycomb cutter set.
(I hand cut the honey dripper. Sorry! I tried to get a cutter shape made, but it didn't work out.)
You'll need golden yellow, black, and white icing colors.
For the honey dripper, outline and flood the shape as shown below.

 Allow to dry for one hour, and then 
make some indented lines across the dripper end with a cake tester.
(see photo below)

Outline and flood the oval at the end of the handle, and 
some elongated ovals all along the "dripper" portion to emphasize the texture.
(see photo below)

Wait about 15-30 minutes and then add one final line across each section to give more dimension.
(see photo below)

Dry overnight.

Brush dry caramel luster dust all over the dripper.
(see photo below)

Now for the honeycomb, outline and flood the entire shape.

Allow the glaze to dry for approximately 2 hours.
Impress a correctly sized hexagon cutter into each section as shown below.

Outline and flood the inner hexagon of each comb with golden yellow icing,
adding an occasional black one for contrast.
(see photo below)

If desired, outline each hexagon with black, or add a white accent line within each hexagon.

Allow the glaze to dry for approximately three hours.
Use a fondant ball tool to make a concave center to each hexagon.

2016 Summer Decorated Cookie Collection
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