ice cream cone cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

ice cream cone cookies

Neon Sign Styled Amusement Park Decorated Cookie Collection

After stumbling upon the idea of doing neon sign styled cookies back when I did a coffee shop cookie set, I can't get enough of it.

Here's a tutorial on neon sign styled cookies.

I just HAD to make a fun set in a summer-y amusement park theme. :)


Ice Cream Cone Decorated Cookie Collection (2016)

Ice's a pretty popular treat.

And I love the iconic shape of an ice cream cone.

Since summer is fading away, I didn't want to miss the chance to make some 

super special summer-y ice cream cones. (Try to say that 3x fast!)

Here's to summer and all the memories it provides. :)

Check out some of the cutters I used in this set:

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, June 3, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

This was a week of catch-up again.
I spent most of my Memorial Day weekend working on the UA Bible study for August.
But I did manage to bake some fun summer cookies to start decorating today.
Hurray! Back to cookies.....

Now that I'm working more, it is obviously getting more and more
challenging to fit cookies into the schedule.
It feels weird.....because for so long, that was my main "occupation".
But I'm loving my job and and determined to do a set of cookies every weekend.
We'll see how it goes.
I may have to get less sleep or something like that, but I'll make it work. :)

It's June.
Time is flying away with us.
Let's keep seizing the moment and hiding away the memories.


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy Weekend! 🇺🇸

"Frosty and Cold" and ready for the holiday weekend, haha.



Another glimpse of last year's Fathers Day cookies.....


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Ice Cream Cone Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

I've done many ice cream cookies over the years.
My desire has been to create a "perfect" waffle cone and a fat bulging scoop bottom.

And finally, I think I've found some techniques that satisfy my craving. :)

Here is the cutter I used for these ice cream cone cookies.

Start out with outlining and flooding the cone with brown glaze and the scoop in white glaze.

Allow the icing to dry for about 3 hours,
and then press the checks texture mat into the cone portion of the glaze.
(see photo below)

Take a portion of regular white glaze and add lots of powdered sugar to it until 
you're able to knead it with your hands.

Place a large chunk of it on the bottom portion of the white scoop.
Mold the thickened glaze around the base of the scoop to resemble the bulging portion of the 
ice cream scoop on a cone.
(see photo below)

After the cookie has dried overnight, 
brush dry brown luster dust over the cone to emphasize the texture.
(sorry, no photo for this one)

It's so rewarding to finally create an ice cream cone cookie 
that resembles the texture and dimension of a real cone.

2016 Summer Decorated Cookie Collection
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