ice skates — Blog — CookieCrazie

ice skates

Brrrr......It's Cold Outside!

Lots of exciting things to come here on this blog. The January give-away will be announced in a few don't miss it. I'm so excited about many things going on and can't wait to share with all of you.

Yesterday, I spent a lot of extra time taking some shots of making icing and all that is involved with it. (Stopping a million times to take pictures is interesting when you are trying to make and decorate cookies!) Since we had snow outside, it made the kitchen nice and the photos came out pretty good. I even made a very crude video of the 10 second approach to icing consistency. Let's just say that I'll leave videography to my talented son, Neil. :)

There's LOTS going on at the home front. Keith, my Army son, just left for college in Florida this last Friday. He's hoping to enter their ROTC program. Then Neil is leaving for Johannesburg, South Africa in just two days. sniff sniff He'll be gone through June 1 doing a Hands On program with the International Mission Board (SBC). I'm so excited for him because he will get to do video and photography on an internship type get college credit for be on a 4 1/2 month mission trip! As a heart is heavy knowing he'll be gone that long. But I couldn't be prouder of him. :))))))) Then Jill is working full time and starting at the community college this next week. Kyle & Allison continue to work at their part time jobs. It's funny......even though my kids are becoming very independent......there are waves of needing Momma in big ways. I wouldn't have it any other way! Going from 24/7 homeschooling mom to independent mom with lots of freedom would be too hard......but my job has certainly not ended.....just changed. I'm blessed.

One last cookie of my first Winter 2011 collection..................

And here's the gang all together. :)

Tomorrow I'll start showing you my Winter Warm Drinks hot appropriate for these very, very chilly morning. Brrrrr!

Ice Skating Anyone?

I had hoped to bring you a guest post this weekend.....but there hasn't been enough time to put it together. Maybe tomorrow.

For now.....I'll just show you the ice skates I did last week. I'd not been happy with the ice skate cutter I got last I did my own hand cut version.

And I also wanted to show you that my cookie tree is alive and well....and full of cookies again after the Christmas holiday. :) I've decided to keep it up year round and make seasonal cookies for my guests and also put up the extra cookies that I have from various batches. My family's lovin' it. lol

This week, I'm going to have a guest post from my sweet friend, Haniela. You are going to love her beautiful treats. Her photography always stuns it! And you couldn't find a sweeter blogger. She featured CookieCrazie on her blog yesterday, if you'd like to see it here.

We are getting snow tomorrow night and Tuesday. For those of you in the northern states/countries that get lots of snow, please forgive me......but in Missouri we get very little snow. And I love it! So I'm happy about the forecast!!!! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. :)
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