silver hearts — Blog — CookieCrazie

silver hearts

Anniversary Cookies......Writing on Cookies

I did some 25th anniversary cookies last week. A friend wanted silver hearts with black letters on it.
It was not a very exciting cookie.....but I tried to dress it up with luster dust and give it a nice metalic sheen.

Many people ask how to get the gray color. I use a tiny amount of Americolor Super Black to make grey icing. (I've heard that using a small amount of Wilton Black gives you a purple be sure to use Americolor.)

For the metallic silver sheen, I brushed on dry silver luster dust after the base coat of gray was dry. 

And finally.....on the subject of writing on cookies. I have had several people tell me lately that my handwriting is really nice on my cookies. I'm sorry.....but I have to laugh. You see....a couple of years ago, I complained about how bad my handwriting was on a cookie. And one of my best-est cookie friends gave me some very wise advice. She said to just do it. The more you do it, the better you'll get at it. And besides, as long as your letters are legible, people think it's fantastic....even if it doesn't meet your standards of neatness.

And I have found all of her advice very sound. I STILL think I stink at writing on cookies, but I just keep doing it and people continue to say that I do a nice job.

I guess my standards are too high. I want my writing to look beautiful......but apparently legible works. =)

So I share this with you if you are feeling inadequate in your writing on cookies.......

Just do it.
The more you do it, the better you'll get at it.
And as long as it is legible, people will think it is fantastic.

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