wedding cookies — Blog — CookieCrazie

wedding cookies

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 4, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

Another whirlwind week......and such pure blessing.
I now have a married son.....and a new daughter. 
It's nice. :)
As you can imagine.....I've been going non-stop this last week.
With all the wedding prep I tried to help with,
housing Becca's family for 5-6 nights,
having the rehearsal dinner here,
entertaining a multitude of extended family on both sides.....
it was quite a week.

The wedding was fabulous!
Everything went well.
It even snowed that day.....but it didn't mess up the plans.
They even got a few good photos in the snow with the bridal party.
Lots of friends and family gathered around us.
What a blessing!

Neil & Becca came to a brunch at our place the next day and opened their gifts.
And then they packed for Cancun and away they went.
Happy......very very happy.
Makes a momma smile to see her son so happy.:)

And then everyone left.
I put away all the Christmas decor.....all nine trees in one day.
Phewww......was I tuckered out!
Then Keith left for college today.
And that kind of finalized the holiday/wedding season.

I'm glad for things to get back to normal.....and more of a routine,
but I'm sad to see them all go.
The house feels rather empty and sad.

I'll start cookies again next that is something to look forward too.

Wedding post coming this weekend.....

Thanks for all your well wishes and love sent via FB, email, and comments.
I appreciate all of you.
Blessings.....I count it all blessings. ♥

Instagram photos for this week:

My soon to be DIL, Becca, and her momma, Kathy.
We accomplished much today.....3 days away!

The happy couple.....two days away....

My boys.....sporting fedoras. :)


Their day has arrived. :)

Ready or not, here I go to the wedding. :)

Mr & Mrs Sneed :)

My boy on his wedding day.

So proud of all five.....

Wedding Party

Meaningful time in ceremony. Thanks for such a powerful message Jerry. :) 

Awww yes..... The all important wedding cookies. :)
What a joy to make these cookies for such a momentous occasion. :) 

The 3D wedding cake cookie looking all elegant and dressed up. :)

It's not near as fun to UN-decorate for Christmas. ;)

The house seems a bit hollow and sad after all the hubbub with the holidays and wedding.
Keith returns to college today.....and then everything returns back to a quiet routine.
Even though I love my quiet and I love my's just a wee bit sad today....


Last CookieCrazie chatter....

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