Bugs N Flowers — CookieCrazie

Bugs N Flowers

Can you believe it.....two posts in one day? Of course the previous one was not pics of my cookies but rather my workspace.

As you can see I've been busy decorating cookies and taking pictures again. I love taking pics with all these colors involved. The flowers (and bugs, this time) are so photogenic. ;-)

I hope you don't get tired of these daisy-like flowers. This is the third batch I've made.....and I just keep taking more and more pics. lol I can't get enough of their pretty colors and "happy" disposition. :-)

These next flowers are similar to something I did a few weeks ago.....but I'm just perfecting the design. Pastels are so beautiful!!!!!

I tried a new flower design on the fluted square. The inspiration came from TracyLH on www.cakecentral.com. I need to practice on this one.....they are pretty sloppy. : /

I went a little "buggy" this time. I launched out from flowers and did some dragonflies and lady bugs. They make me smile. :-)

This cheery pink one is my favorite.

Hee, hee, hee......look at all of them lined up looking at us. :-)
Next are the ladies......I was going to do traditional red and black and decided to save that for summer. Here are some spring-y lady bugs.

I hope I didn't wear you out with all my pics. I go a little crazy with the camera. Funny thing is....I'm only showing you a tiny fraction of pics compared to the number I take.
I hope to try again at the end of the week, so stay tuned.
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