My Little Cookie World — CookieCrazie

My Little Cookie World

I thought it would be fun to show you where I decorate cookies and what my set up looks like.

God has blessed me with a brand new house with a fabulous kitchen. I am so thankful! Truly every time I work in it, I whisper prayers of thanks for His goodness. :-)

Here is my "Kitchen Aid" corner. Back when we were looking at the model while our house was being built (a year ago this month), I had determined that this corner was where my brand new Kitchen Aid mixer would sit. :-))))))))) (And by the way, my mixer is AWESOME. I couldn't do cookies without least not with such ease.)

I have everything sitting out as I prepared to make icing yesterday for my latest cookies.

Here's a pic of some mixed up icing.

The trickiest part is getting just the right consistency......not too thick so that it leaves sloppy peaks on the cookie, but not too thin as to flow right off the sides. Trust me, it is a very delicate balance. Too often I don't get it just right and it either makes it miserable for my hand to squeeze the bag or it produces some very sloppy looking cookies with drips everywhere. ;-) Here's a pic of using the "10 second" rule. You put your finger in the icing and pull it up into a stream. The surface of the icing should fall down flat in about 10 seconds.

On my island counter, I set out all my tools. This is where I bring my icing once it is mixed in order to color it, place in bags, and start decorating. The height of the breakfast bar is perfect for me to stand and decorate my cookies. :-))))))

I didn't getting any pics of the decorating process. Once I get in the "cookie zone" (thanks for the term, Cindy M :-)), I don't hardly come up for the camera was forgotten once I started decorating.

So now you have an idea of my little cookie world.....
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