Flower Cookie CRAZIE! — CookieCrazie

Flower Cookie CRAZIE!

Well.....once again, I went a little crazy with my cookies. I guess my blog name fits well. :-)

I wanted to bake some cookies for my daughter. (Shhhh.....it's a secret....hopefully she doesn't read this before she receives a package in the mail this next week.) She is a Christian missionary for YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Nashville and is currently a small group leader for a group of students in a DTS (Discipleship Training School). When I sent her cookies on her birthday, she said it would be so cool if I could send the whole group some cookies. SO.......I went flower crazy yesterday and decorated a whole LOAD of spring flowers to send her way. :-))))))))

I tried lots of fun things this time.....very enjoyable. :-))))) And I took lots of pics, so look out!

First.....lots of "daisies". (Do daisies come in these kinds of colors???)

Then some cool "stitched" cookies......

Next some "regular" flowers, but in lots of color combinations.

Here's some of my favorites.....rainbow cookies.

And then finally, my favorite of all......"patchwork flowers". They took a little extra time, but it was worth it.

As you can see, I had a blast yesterday. :-) I hope my daughter and her DTS will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.

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