Thanksgiving Football.....Roll Tide — CookieCrazie

Thanksgiving Football.....Roll Tide

I thought it would be appropriate to show football cookies two days after Thanksgiving. I'm not a sports lovin' person....but made these for a good friend. I know football enthusiasts are watching football for four days over the Thanksgiving weekend. :)

These were probably the toughest cookies I've ever decorated. I saw Sugar Envy's incredible take on Alabama football cookies a couple of months ago. I showed them to a good friend who is a HUGE Bama fan, and he immediately asked me to make some for him and his BIL for the big game over Thanksgiving weekend.

It's a good thing he's a good friend.....because even though Sugar Envy made them look relatively easy, they were NOT. Oh my.....nearly in tears at one point. But some how they all came together and I was OK with them. I told my friend I had a love/hate relationship with the cookies. ha ha

PLEASE NOTE: These cookies are not for sale. I make it a point not to sell logo cookies.
 I hope you're having a lovely holiday weekend. Our house is bustling with all the kids home.....and today we'll put up a bunch of Christmas decorations....including our 12 foot tree. Yippee!

Can't wait to start Christmas cookie decorating next week. :))))))))))
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