Animals — Blog — CookieCrazie


Ellie the Elephant Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

When I was approached about contributing an animal shape for Cookie Cutters for Charity, I immediately knew I wanted to do an elephant. My daughter-in-law was using elephants to decorate for our second grandchild arriving in May 2017. I had already planned to make some cute elephant cookies for the baby shower. So this was the perfect chance to come up with a cute shape for both the shower and the charity event. It was a win win for both!

The entire collection of animal cutters from a host of awesome decorators is now available HERE. There are 17 different shapes and a beautiful booklet sharing about each decorator and their contribution. 

100% of the profits from the sale of these cutters goes toward the Helping Hands, Inc ministry in India which teaches underprivileged women some professional baking/decorating skills for a job. What a blessed ministry!

Animal Cookie Cutter Set for Charity

Ellie the Elephant (which is not an original name.....but since my granddaughter is Emmy, it fit) was born.

She's pretty easy to decorate. Just outline and flood the entire shape in the color glaze of your choice. Add a wet-on-wet pattern if desired. Allow it to dry for about 1 hour before adding a second layer for the head, ears, and trunk. (see photos below)

While the second layer is still wet, add two black pearls for her eyes.

And if you are so inclined, add stitch marks and eyebrows with a black edible food color marker.


Deer One Valentines Decorated Cookie (Tutorial)

Ah yes......more homonyms for spreading Valentines Day love.

Here are the two cutters used for this set:

Outline and flood the shapes with tan icing
leaving space to add details with white glaze using wet on wet technique.
(see photos below)

Using a darker brown glaze, add the nose and hooves.

Here is the entire Love Ewe Deer One Cookie Collection.


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 15, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

I'm happy to report I'm improving every day after being so sick.
My voice is still partially gone, so I sound worse than I really am.
But I think that garners me more sympathy. ;)

This week I got to decorate a set of cookies....and boy, did it feel awesome to get back at it!
I've missed my happy place.
It's funny though.......just doing a little COMPLETELY exhausts me.
But each day, I can do a little more.......

I am ready to be healed, energized and back to my fast paced cookie life. :)
Valentines Day is coming......I gotta be ready. haha

I've noticed that being sick ends up having you focus on yourself WAY TOO MUCH.
Of course, at first you have to......but over time, it's time to start thinking about others.
I'm going to take some cookies to some friends/family just to cheer them up.


Instagram photos for this week:

Walking in a winter wonderland......
#winterwonderland #wintercookies #woodland #letitsnow

It's a happy Saturday here.....
We're getting our first snow of the season!
#letitsnow #snowman #wintercookies #brrrr

Winter Cookie Collection.....
#wintercookies #winterwonderland #snowflakes #letitsnow

Finally back to cookies......
Holidays and then the flu have kept me away for far too long.
I'm keeping it simple level is not quite up to anything complex. ;)

Do you wanna build a snowman?
#snowmancookie #cookiedecoratingvideo #wintercookies #snowman #letitsnow

Flash back to last year.......a peripheral blood "smear" in cookies.
I am a clinical laboratory scientist, and this is what you see when
you look at a drop of blood under the microscope.
I gave these cookies to my long-time supervisor at her retirement party. :)
#tbt #throwback #peripheralblood #clinicallaboratory #adayinthelife


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 8, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

The first full week of the new year....
It hasn't exactly started as expected.
Even though I had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with my family last weekend,
I've been sick with the flu for more than a week now. Ugh!
Cough, congestion, fever, body aches, has been miserable.
(P.S. I'm required to get a flu shot every year at my hospital job.....
this is the second time it has completely failed for me.)

Thankfully we were still able to have lots of time together for the holiday 
and enjoy one another.
The Christmas season is such a special one.....and our family celebrated it well. :)

Now it's time get well and start decorating cookies again.....


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy 2016!
(Still hoping for some snow this winter....)
#newyear #snow #letitsnow #happynewyear #2016

Happy First Saturday in 2016!
#happynewyear #quiltingwithcookies #excitedaboutwhatnewyearholds

Snowmen are a favorite......
#letitsnow #snowman #snowmancookie #wintercookies

I love hot chocolate!
#hotchocolate #coffeemug #marshmallow #babyitscoldoutside #wintercookies

Happy Tuesday!
#gifttagcookies #wintercookies #winterwonderland

Happy cookies...... :)
#snowman #snowmancookie #winter #mitten #sweater

Last year's winter cookie scene......
#tbt #throwback #snowmancookie #wintercookies


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

Winter Woodland Animal Cookies (Tutorial)

When deciding on a winter woodland theme, I chose my favorite animals to include.

I'd been wanting to use this

cute fox cutter

from Ann Clark.

To simplify the process, I decided to try three different animals with the same cutter.....

a skunk, a fox and a racoon.

Before starting this project, study the animals you'll be doing to get the discriminating details.

In my case, the fox has a wider head and tail, the racoon has a rounder head with medium-sized tail,

and the skunk has a smaller head with a curlier tail.

Outline and flood them all, and add their white bellies immediately.

Give the fox a white tail end and the skunk a horizontal stripe down the tail.

After 30 minutes to 1 hour, add paws, stripes on the raccoon tail with a heart-shaped white face, 

a second layer for the skunk face, and a second layer of part of the fox face with a pointy nose and ears. (see photo above)

After another 30 minutes to 1 hour, add facial embellishments like the "mask" on the raccoon,

eyes, noses, and ear parts.....and even "toes" if you'd like. :)

I'm excited that one cutter could produce all three woodland animals!

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