CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 8, 2016 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 8, 2016


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

The first full week of the new year....
It hasn't exactly started as expected.
Even though I had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with my family last weekend,
I've been sick with the flu for more than a week now. Ugh!
Cough, congestion, fever, body aches, has been miserable.
(P.S. I'm required to get a flu shot every year at my hospital job.....
this is the second time it has completely failed for me.)

Thankfully we were still able to have lots of time together for the holiday 
and enjoy one another.
The Christmas season is such a special one.....and our family celebrated it well. :)

Now it's time get well and start decorating cookies again.....


Instagram photos for this week:

Happy 2016!
(Still hoping for some snow this winter....)
#newyear #snow #letitsnow #happynewyear #2016

Happy First Saturday in 2016!
#happynewyear #quiltingwithcookies #excitedaboutwhatnewyearholds

Snowmen are a favorite......
#letitsnow #snowman #snowmancookie #wintercookies

I love hot chocolate!
#hotchocolate #coffeemug #marshmallow #babyitscoldoutside #wintercookies

Happy Tuesday!
#gifttagcookies #wintercookies #winterwonderland

Happy cookies...... :)
#snowman #snowmancookie #winter #mitten #sweater

Last year's winter cookie scene......
#tbt #throwback #snowmancookie #wintercookies


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