CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, February 21, 2014 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, February 21, 2014

Cookie Con 2014 is happening soon.
I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Today it is 70 degrees. Haha
Spring is trying to blossom......but winter is just playing a game of hide 'n seek.
In fact, the wind is howling (eerily) and we will have colder temps tomorrow.
Oh the joys of winter. : /
I did lots of birthday cookies this week.
I tried a few new things.......nothing spectacular.
I've got big plans for next week.
This time I bought the photo props FIRST.....and will build the cookie theme around it. haha
My heart has been very sad this week......with all the turmoil in Ukraine.
It breaks my heart to see precious lives lost and the injury inflicted on people that just want freedom.
If you're's some things you can read/view about the Ukraine conflict.

The coming days will tell whether things will remain open and free in Ukraine. 
Please pray for the people that so desire what we as Americans experience on a day-to-day basis.
Thank you.

Instagram photos for this week:

These little cuties are wishing you a happy happy Valentines Day!

My way of not writing on mini cookies. Tags!

I've decided that using only three colors is awesome! :)
Happy Monday!
(We have freezing rain here this morning....ugh.)

 This week I'm expanding the color # to 5.....electric orange, green, and purple with black and white.
I knew I couldn't stay with just 3 colors long. Heehee


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