CookieCrazie Chatter....Friday May 18, 2012 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter....Friday May 18, 2012

I thought I'd start a new little series of ramblings 
CookieCrazie Chatter
for posts to share things going on in
CookieLand as well as all around me.

It seems there is always exciting things happening, 
so why not share with my bloggie friends, right?

Probably the biggest news in Cookieland
is a very exciting opportunity for all cookiers
to come together and learn from one another.

Notice that cute little pot of flowers on the top right of the page?
That's CookieCrazie cookies. Yippee! :)

I have the absolute privilege to be an presenter at the event.
I'm going to do two different presentations.....
one on "De-mystifying Glaze"
and one on "Packaging and Boxes". 

I would love to meet all of you there!
So check your calendars and be ready to sign up
on Friday, June 1, 2012.
What a fantastic time we are going to have.
Being together with other cookiers is a
super delightful experience.
Don't miss it!

Check out these two really cute
PSAs about CookieCon from Arty McGoo:


Here's some links to some mighty fine cookies
that have been shared this past week. Wow!

and look at these simple, yet very awesome 


On the CookieCrazie front....

I shared with everyone how I've made
that are even going to effect this blog a little.

Now that I'm eating a grain free diet,
it made sense to come up with a 

And I've shared graduation cookies and a tutorial.

For fun Spring cookies, check out


And in my own little personal world....
we just had a big college graduation and now
things seem to be settling down for the summer months.

I will be headed to Ukraine in July for a two week mission trip.
I'm very excited about all the plans we have
to minister to the women and elderly.
If you want to keep up with my musings
about Ukraine happenings.....I have a blog called
Crazie Commitment exclusively about it.
I haven't written there since last year, 
but I'll be starting up soon.
And by the way.... excuse it's antiquated look.....
it is purely for communication/photo purposes. ;)

As you can imagine, there are a million things to do
to prepare for such an event.
Sometimes the anticipation can be as wonderful
as the actual event. :)


I'd love to hear from you.
If you have something you'd like to see on CookieCrazie.....
Write me a note and let me know.
I'm always curious to know what others get excited about. 

Thanks for being here. 
I appreciate each and every one of you. ♥♥♥

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