graduation — Blog — CookieCrazie


Graduation Congrats Decorated Cookie Collection

Oh there is such joy in crossing the finishing line of an education goal and graduating. It is truly time to celebrate and so many cookie ideas to make a reality.

Congratulations to all those who have earned a diploma and stepped up their knowledge game!



CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 15, 2015

CookieCrazie is teaching hands-on classes in the coming days!

CookieCrazie will be teaching Pre-CookieCon classes!
Click here for more details.


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

For the last 24 hours, I've been enroute to Ukraine.
Something tells me I am probably tired of sitting in a small airplane seat....
and I've probably gotten very little sleep in the last day. haha
By the time this is posted.....I will probably be in L'viv.

It has been a whirlwind week.....with lots of last minute prep.
But I love the anticipation of trips like this.
It is so exciting to think about what could be accomplished during this year's excursion.

Internet access is very limited  in Ukraine.
There will only be rare occasions when I actually sit down with my phone or laptop and use wifi.
But you can be sure that when I get the opportunity, I will be updating.

The last seven trips are chronicled on it.....and this one (2015) will be too, as soon as I return home.
I also hope to post photos on my Instagram and FB pages

Thanks for all your support.
Your visits, comments, likes, and clicks on this blog help me help Ukraine. :)
It is such a pleasure to decorate cookies and show others what I've learned along the way.
Through advertising and now.....through teaching classes, I am generating finances to 
provide the airfare for my trip and also, supply much needed funds for the ministries we do there.
With much gratitude in my heart........I thank you!


Instagram photos for this week:

OK. I can't post ONLY the cookies that I'm happy with, right?
My rookie status with the airbrush shines through TODAY. :(
Then I tried to cover it up by stamping "b-i-r-t-h-d-a-y" across the cookies.
(Tomorrow is my husband's birthday.....haha.)
Someday.....maybe this idea will be a good one. Ugh...

I'm bubblin' over with excitement for this set of cookies. :)

I'm happy to report that my new burlap silicone mat works exactly as I'd hoped. :)

#whomadeyouamother ❤
Just took a trip down memory lane.....gather photos of my loves.
I'm blessed beyond measure to be called Mom.
My heart is full.

Happy Mothers Day!
Enjoy celebrating the greatest profession of all. :)

Happy Tuesday!

Bacon.....loved and admired by most.
This is from last year's Mothers Day Breakfast in Bed set.


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

2015 Graduation Cookie Collection

It's kind of humorous how we cookie decorators live our lives through cookies.
Graduations, birthdays, weddings, babies, thank-yous, etc.......we find a way to celebrate via cookies.

It's always fun to personalize a set of celebratory cookies for one of my family members.

This time I made a special set of cookies for my son, Keith's, college graduation.

Graduation Robe Cookie (Tutorial)

Not only did Keith graduate with a BS degree in Business Administartion,
but he was also commissioned as a US Army officer through the ROTC program.

We had the privilege of attending his commissioning service,
and then attending his graduation the next day.

(I'm sure you can't see it below, but he is actually receiving his diploma on the stage in this photo. Yeah mom! ;))

Congratulations Keith.

We are so proud of you!!!

2015 Graduation Cookie Collection

Graduation Robe Cookie (Tutorial)

My son graduated from college in December......
so it was time to make some extra special graduation cookies.

I had never done a graduation robe before, so I decided to take the plunge.

Cookie Cutter used: Plastics in Print Sports Jersey Cookie Cutter

Outline and flood the bottom of the robe in black glaze.
(see photo below)

Allow the glaze to dry for 1-2 hours and then using a cake tester, make vertical creases in the glaze.
(see photo below)

Outline and flood the top panel of the robe and the top half of the sleeves.

Wait at least 30 minutes before adding the bottom half of the sleeves partially across the robe.
(see photo below)

Pipe an outline in black glaze around the front panel and sleeves for more dimension.

If desired, add an honor cord or stole around the neck of the robe.

2015 Graduation Cookie Collection

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, August 30, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

It's beginning to look a lot like FALL around here. :)
Haha.....the weather is blistering hot outside,
and here I am making fall leaves. 
But gotta stay ahead of the game.
Time goes by so quickly that if I'm not a step ahead, 
I'm a step behind. :)

I tried a few new things on my cookies this work.
Some worked.
Others didn't.
I guess that's my find out what does and doesn't work, right?

My husband had cataract surgery on Monday and everything went well.
He's almost back to normal after just a few days.
Technology is amazing.

That's about the only exciting thing that has happened this week.
I'm thankful that life continues at a nice, peaceful least for this moment. ;)

Instagram photos for this week:

Yesterday's baking's never too early for fall colors, right? :)
Can't wait to get started decorating on my pile of leaves this week. :)

It's hard to believe Sept starts on Sunday.....but that means F-A-L-L is on it's way!!

Simple.....but most definitely AUTUMN. :)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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