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CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, January 3, 2014

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page

CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

Our Christmas couldn't have been better.
I'm so happy to have made so many memories with my family.
We had games, presents, food, Nativity Story (DVD) a Christmas Eve tradition, singing,
birthday dinner out at Cheesecake Factory.
It was all glorious.

Sunday we took down the 12' foot tree......
Monday and Tuesday I took down the rest of the trees and all the decorations.
The whole time I was putting it away.....I was thinking maybe it was too much for next year!
We'll see....

I worked New Years Day.
It wasn't as quiet and lazy in the hospital lab as it had been on Christmas Day.
Oh's over and I've got one of my two holidays done for 2014.

We had snow last night.......
And we may get some more this weekend.
I'm a snow this is a treat for me. :)

My youngest son, Keith, leaves Monday to go back to college in Florida.
Our high temperature is supposed to be 4 degrees that day!
He will be happy to go back to 70 degree weather. haha

It's time for me to get back into the normal groove.
Next week I'll start back to cookies again.
I'm going to do one last collection of winter/snowman cookies.
Then Valentines Day cookies will begin the following week.

I received lots of cookie cutters and supplies for Christmas.
Plus.....I had a brain storm idea about a week ago of something I want to try.
If it could really make for some awesome cookie decorating. :) we come....

Instagram photos for this week:

Getting ready for our big Christmas celebration.....tomorrow night and all day Saturday.
Working non-stop in the kitchen with the Christmas music blaring!
So excited!!!!

Another view.....another set of trees....haha. :)
Merry Christmas everyone! 

Oh how fun is this!
Thanks everyone.....for a very good year on Instagram. :)

My favorite set of gingers this season....

Silent Night......caroling together for our Christmas Eve.

A sweetly wrapped from my new DIL with the cutest snowman sled ornament
to add to my snowman tree. :)

 Birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory!
What a wonderful weekend. :)

It's almost like a Christmas tree quilt!
Oh the ideas I have for 2014.
What a blessing to have the new year to anticipate. :)

It's been a very good year for CookieCrazie.
Thanks for taking the journey with me.
May 2014 be even more amazing!
#flipagram made with @flipagramapp 

Yes.....this is a box stuffed full of cutters from Truly Mad Plastics and
some gorgeous double-sided square cutters.
My family knows how to spoil me for Christmas!!

Ummmm.... This is one of the greatest "presents" I gave myself this season.
Dry, cracked, burning, miserable hands are a thing of the past for me this winter. :)
(I ordered it on Amazon, but you can also get it at CVS Stores, Lowes, or Home Depot.)


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 27, 2013

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page

CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Christmas has come and least the actual Christmas Day.

But at our house, we are celebrating Christmas Eve tonight (Friday)
and Christmas Day tomorrow.

Since I had to work on Christmas Day......
and we now have a son who has to be shared among two familes
(and his siblings will all follow in time).....
I have chosen to adjust our celebration to accommodate everyone.
When you work in healthcare......and you have to work weekends and holidays......
suddenly the actual day becomes irrelevant.
It is the being together and celebrating together that makes it the holiday......
not a date on a calendar.

So I'm writing this little blurb ahead......knowing I will be super busy on Thursday and Friday preparing for our time together.

So far, the holidays have been wonderful.
I look foward to having my "little" family of eight all together for two days of non-stop fun.
We've got all kinds of activities and games planned for our celebration.....
(including celebrating Neil's birthday and my birthday....which is today!)
And of course.......we'll have lots of yummy food and COOKIES!

I'll catch you next week when every thing is all complete and 2014 has begun!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, friends. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Hot Chocolate.......mmmmm Happy Friday everyone!

Gingers....Gingers...... All ready for Christmas!

 Taking "Christmas" to the extended family.
(Christmas isn't the same without decorated cookies, right?) :)

 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
He is the Messiah, the Lord.  
This will be a sign to you:
You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
Luke 2:11-12


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 20, 2013

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page

CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Christmas is almost here!
Oh what an exciting time it is.

I finished my final Christmas cookies this week.
I've enjoyed every set I've made this season.......
And oh the beautiful cookies I've seen from others.

Now it's time for the non-stop Christmas activities.
Tomorrow we go to Memphis to visit the in-laws.
Once we come home on Monday.......I have lots of prep to do.
Sadly, I have to work Christmas Day.
But when I come sisters and their families are coming over.

Next Friday evening is our "Christmas Eve".
And then Saturday is our "Christmas Day".
The funny thing is that my birthday is also there will be lots to celebrate.

I'm so grateful for the support I receive from all my followers here on the blog.
And I want to wish you a very very Merry Christmas.

Make some memories and then hide them in your heart.
Who knows what tomorrow make the most of each day as a gift from God.

May many Christmas blessings surround us all.....

Instagram photos for this week:

Cute little tree shape....Four different textures.

 Gingers wishing you a happy snowy Saturday.....

This is our "2-4 inches" of snow that turned into more like 6-8". 
I went into work this morning at 4:30 AM driving on the most treacherous roads I've ever seen.
The interstate was the worst.
I prayed all the way there.....and thanking God, I made it!
We heard some pretty amazing stories as everyone arrived into work.
Now I'm safe at home....snug in my jammies and finally enjoying this snowy day.

Happy Monday!

Only one week away..... Excited!! 


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 13, 2013

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page

CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Still sick.....but much closer to being well.
Sadly my voice is still very weak.....and our Christmas musical is Sunday.
I still don't have any of the upper range of my voice,
so it will be a "partial singing" for me. ;)

I got all those cookies for the order done this week.
I started a new set that I affectionately call "rectangle buddies".
I guess the name gives away the cookie shape. haha
I can't wait to share all the buddies with you. :)

Christmas is now less than two weeks away.
I'm fairly ready.
Next week I'll tie all the loose ends up.
Then the whirlwind starts.
Work the holiday at the hospital......
and then finally, the weekend family will be together to celebrate. :)

I'm off to photograph a boatload of cookies......

Instagram photos for this week:

I attempted to take a photo to show how cool the "glass" effect worked out. :)

Happy little guys this frosty morning. :)

Lots of fun with numbers....
New Years Cookies are the hardest to fit in.
There's only a week between the busiest time of year
(after which you're exhausted) and the new year.
Here's an early start for my blog. :)

 Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow......


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, December 6, 2013

It's back!
Cookie Con 2014 is coming soon.
You don't want to miss this....

I'd LOVE to see you there!


CookieCrazie will be at Cookie'sCool in Genoa, Italy May 1-3, 2014

To check out the information:
Cookie'sCool Website
Cookie'sCool Facebook page


CookieCrazie's Week in Review





Personal Side

Winter stinks!
I've been sick with an upper respiratory infection for more than a week.'s been all through the Thanksgiving holiday and beyond.
I want my normal energy and body strength back!
Even cookie decorating is hard when you just don't feel strong. : /

Thankfully I'm slowly getting better.
And some how.....the cookies got done this week. :)

I  haveworked on winter and New Year cookies the last few days.
Once again.....I'm trying to get ahead with all the busyness of the holidays.

Next week I have a big Christmas cookie order to fulfill.
I've saved up a bunch of fun ideas to use for that order.
It's one of those clients that let's you use original creativity.
LOVE those kind.

We're supposed to get a tiny bit of snow today.
THIS puts a smile on my face. =)

I hope you are enjoying the holiday season.

Instagram photos for this week:

I'm anxious to show lots of Christmas cookies....

Happy First Monday of December!

Yesterday was a good day.....the effect I was going for worked.
Don't you love those kind of days?


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

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