CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 17, 2013 — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, May 17, 2013


CookieCrazie's Week in Review


Personal Side

The week started off right with a wonderful Mothers Day.
My daughters surprised me with sweet notes of love....
I got flowers and a cute card.
And my two sons that live far away called.
I got to talked to Keith for 2 hours.
Since I haven't talked to him most of the school semester.....
we had the chance to catch up.
And I get to see him at the end of that was good news.
I felt very loved that day and so appreciate all the things my kids did to make it that way.

This week I finalized the Bible study for the Ukraine women's retreat.
Hallelujah! How nice to have that completely done!

And  I finally started my Ukrainian language program (that I've been putting off for weeks).

I also got my final set of cookies done for the blog.
I couldn't bear the thought of not doing Fourth of July cookies.....
so now I can say I've done some. Yeah!
Now I just have to edit lots of photos and put LOTS of blog posts together. haha
But it will be fun. :)

Only two weeks of prep

This next week will probably be devoted to getting the blog ahead and lots of little things.

Then the final week is decorating cookies for Ukraine visit and packing.

Thanks for sticking with me. :)

Instagram photos for this week:

Summer yum....

Beach Balls!!

My sweet daughter's flowers and Mothers Day card to me this morning.
"Hug shown is smaller than actually size."
I love you more, Jill!

Besides the fact that it's 39 degrees this morning.....
Wanna go on a picnic? heehee

Today we're going to the beach.....
Patriotic cookies....last set before starting cookies for Ukraine...

USA....Land I Love


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