Glamor Shopping & Gift Bag Cookie (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Glamor Shopping & Gift Bag Cookie (Tutorial)

Who knew a gift/shopping bag cookie could be so fun to decorate?!

Creative Cookier provides this super cute cutter HERE.

Outline and flood the bag's side first.
Allow it to dry for at least 15 min and then outline and flood the bag's front.
(see photo below)

Allow the cookie to dry for at least 30 min.
Outline and flood the tissue paper on top of the cookie.
(I used navy for the bag, and since dk blue glaze tends to bleed more, I gave the bag 1 hr of dry time.)

After a 30 min dry time, outline and flood some 3D tissue "folds" onto the tissue paper base.
(see photo below)

Wait another 30 min and add detailing lines to the tissue paper.

Dry overnight.

Since I wanted silver tissue paper, I painted on silver pearl dust mixed with vodka.

Add a handle over the top of the tissue paper once the dust is dry.
(see photo below)

For extra flair, add an edible clay molded flower or decoration.
(Here's the flower mold used below.)

Navy Fuchsia Glamor Cookie Collection
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