CookieCrazie edible glaze molding clay — Blog — CookieCrazie

CookieCrazie edible glaze molding clay

Cupcake Wrapper Cookies (Tutorial)

For some reason, I LOVE to make cupcake cookies.

It's kind of silly when you think about it.

Why don't I just make cupcakes?!

Nope. I can't do it. It MUST be cookies.....all the time. haha

Alas....when I find an awesome cupcake cookie cutter, I have to share it with you!

I have

my own custom cupcake cutter

that I love.....


this particular cutter


That's a Nice Cookie Cutter

displays an extra corner between

the top and holder that makes it look like a cute cupcake wrapper. :)

So I researched cupcake wrapper designs.....and made a few of my own creations.

Once you've decorated the wrappers, you can pipe some slightly thinned

edible clay

to add the iconic cupcake swirls on top.

Edible Clay Lace Valentine Heart Cookies (Tutorial)

Loving all things frilly and lacy,

I've been itchin' to make a cookie with authentic looking lace on it.


edible clay

and some very cool

lace silicone molds

, I believe I have finally achieved my goal.

Here's some of the lace molds I used on this post's heart cookies.

Outline and flood the base of the cookie.

(For these cookies, I added texture after they dried for 4 hours, but plain ones would work well too.)

Allow the flooded cookies to dry overnight.

Mold the edible clay in the lace mold and freeze for at least 1 hour.

Carefully peel the clay out of the mold.

Work quickly because as the clay warms up it will lose it's shape if handled too much.

Lay the lace clay across the cookie and trim the sides off.

A beautiful lacy cookie without too much fuss.....

Edible Clay Flowers (Tutorial)

I keep seeing all these really cool cupcakes with flowers piped on top of them.
I dreamed that maybe edible clay could be piped on top of a cookie in a similar way. ;)

There's so many possibilities.....and I'm certainly not an expert on
decorating tips and all the things they can create.
But I did a little research and tried to make several different types of flowers.

For the lavender on the long rectangles, I used Arty McGoo's tutorial.
(No edible clay used on this one.....just glaze.)

For all of these flowers (except for the last one, which I've noted below),
use edible clay that has been thinned with a tiny amount of water to make it pipe-able.

I'm not sure which flower this one would be, (maybe Chrysanthemum?) but it looks pretty. haha
I used green edible clay in different leaf molds to make the background leaves.
Then I used a #81 tip for the flower petals.

This one reminds me of a hydrangea.
(remember......I'm no flower expert. I just love flowers. haha)
Leaves: #352 tip Flowers: #224 tip

For this one, I was going for a ranunculus flower. (Love them!)
Flower: #104 tip

Still trying for a ranunculus....with a different tip.
Grass: #233 tip  Flower: #1M tip

Finally, one of my all-time favorites, a coneflower.
(The colors aren't quite right, but the shape is what I'm referring to.)
Petals: Tip #81 
Crown Center: First pipe a large mound of clay, and then use a grass tip to make the bumps.

And finally, for the easiest flower of all, flood a fluted circle with glaze (no edible clay).
Wait about 4 hours, and then impress it with this stamper.
Add a flower center with glaze.

And there you have eclectic group of piped flowers. :)

Edible Glaze Molding Clay

Edible Clay: Endless Cookie Decorating Possibilities

While talking on the subject of my

edible clay recipe


a good friend started thinking outside of the box.

She suggested that since it holds it shape so well....

I might try stenciling and piping with it.

Wow! I had never even considered the possibility of being able to do

such things with glaze since it has such limitations.

So when she suggested I try with clay.......I went right home and started experimenting. :)

Now don't laugh.

Remember that I've never stenciled before....because glaze never allowed me to.

But here was my first attempt at stenciling with edible clay (cookie on right).

Not too bad for someone who is still in stenciling preschool. ;)

And look at that cool piped green flower on the left.

I've always seen all those lovely piped flowers from royal icing decorators......

and dreamed of doing it myself.

And now I can!

AND......look at these cool roses!

They are super simple.

Check out this



Super super fun to final be able to do what the "big kids" have been doing for quite some time!

I used white edible clay for the tulip cupped-center in the photo below.

Then I piped and shaped the petals on the big daisy-like flower and

added some brown "pollen" to the middle with a grass/hair tip.

Oh.....the unlimited possibilities that have now been revealed!


Glamor Shopping & Gift Bag Cookie (Tutorial)

Who knew a gift/shopping bag cookie could be so fun to decorate?!

Creative Cookier provides this super cute cutter HERE.

Outline and flood the bag's side first.
Allow it to dry for at least 15 min and then outline and flood the bag's front.
(see photo below)

Allow the cookie to dry for at least 30 min.
Outline and flood the tissue paper on top of the cookie.
(I used navy for the bag, and since dk blue glaze tends to bleed more, I gave the bag 1 hr of dry time.)

After a 30 min dry time, outline and flood some 3D tissue "folds" onto the tissue paper base.
(see photo below)

Wait another 30 min and add detailing lines to the tissue paper.

Dry overnight.

Since I wanted silver tissue paper, I painted on silver pearl dust mixed with vodka.

Add a handle over the top of the tissue paper once the dust is dry.
(see photo below)

For extra flair, add an edible clay molded flower or decoration.
(Here's the flower mold used below.)

Navy Fuchsia Glamor Cookie Collection
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