Knitted/Crocheted Spring Animal Cookies (Tutorial) — CookieCrazie

Knitted/Crocheted Spring Animal Cookies (Tutorial)

Now that I've found

these awesome texture mats

that resemble





it seemed like that texture would be a perfect for all-things-spring and Easter.

Basically, you just need to outline and flood

10-second glaze

onto your favorite spring shapes,

let them partially dry for about 4 hours, and then press the mats into the glaze.

Once they've been textured, add the details as desired.

For the lambs, I omitted the face, hooves, tail, and ears when flooding

so that I could go back and add a flat surface for contrast.

Let them partially dry for about 4 hours, and then press the mats into the glaze.

After you've textured the lambs, go back and fill in the face, hooves, tail, and/or ears.

(Oops.....I forgot to fill in the ears on the left lamb!)

Allow the lamb to dry overnight and then add some pinkish cheeks with

luster dust


pink eyes, nose, hooves with a

pink Foodoodler marker


and black eye pupil and eyebrows with a

black Rainbow Dust marker


For the bunny faces, flood everything but the eye and mouth area (shown below).

Let them partially dry for about 4 hours, and then press the mats into the glaze.

Once the texturizing is complete, flood the rest of the cookie with white glaze.

Wait about 15 min and then add eyes and a tiny nose. (see right bunny on photo below)

Dry overnight.

Use a

black Americolor gourmet writer

to color the eyes completely black.

Add some pinkish cheeks with

luster dust


pink nose and mouth with a

pink Foodoodler marker


and black lashes, eyebrows, and whiskers with a

black Rainbow Dust marker


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