elegant — Blog — CookieCrazie


Make them BOLD with Red and Gold Cookie Collection

Every once in a while, I just pick a few basic colors and then create a ton of different random shapes using as many techniques as possible. It allows my creativity to blossom and it produces some pretty strange combinations. But it is pure fun to pull it all together.

Here's my BOLD with Red & Gold cookie collection......in all it's boldness. ❤️


Cupcake Wrapper Cookies (Tutorial)

For some reason, I LOVE to make cupcake cookies.

It's kind of silly when you think about it.

Why don't I just make cupcakes?!

Nope. I can't do it. It MUST be cookies.....all the time. haha

Alas....when I find an awesome cupcake cookie cutter, I have to share it with you!

I have

my own custom cupcake cutter

that I love.....


this particular cutter


That's a Nice Cookie Cutter

displays an extra corner between

the top and holder that makes it look like a cute cupcake wrapper. :)


So I researched cupcake wrapper designs.....and made a few of my own creations.

Once you've decorated the wrappers, you can pipe some slightly thinned

edible clay

to add the iconic cupcake swirls on top.

Lace 'N Frills Valentines Cookie Collection

Edible Clay Lace Valentine Heart Cookies (Tutorial)

Loving all things frilly and lacy,

I've been itchin' to make a cookie with authentic looking lace on it.


edible clay

and some very cool

lace silicone molds

, I believe I have finally achieved my goal.

Here's some of the lace molds I used on this post's heart cookies.

Outline and flood the base of the cookie.

(For these cookies, I added texture after they dried for 4 hours, but plain ones would work well too.)

Allow the flooded cookies to dry overnight.

Mold the edible clay in the lace mold and freeze for at least 1 hour.

Carefully peel the clay out of the mold.

Work quickly because as the clay warms up it will lose it's shape if handled too much.

Lay the lace clay across the cookie and trim the sides off.

A beautiful lacy cookie without too much fuss.....

Pink Silver Shabby Chic Christmas Cookie Collection

Shabby Chic has totally taken over the Christmas cookies.

Pink and Silver seem to be the perfect colors for the season.

I can not even begin to describe how fun and rewarding these cookies were to make.

Enjoy all the sights, smells, sounds, textures, and tastes of this beautiful season!

Shabby Chic Ruffle Christmas Tree Cookie (Tutorial) 


Here's some of my favorites...... especially the stocking.... :)

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