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Autumn Bliss Decorated Cookie Collection

Bliss - [ blis ] noun

1) supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment

2) Theology . the joy of heaven.

3) heaven; paradise

4) Archaic . a cause of great joy or happiness.

YES……that is a great definition of autumn! It brings such joy and happiness.

Here’s another cookie collection with a message….

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11



Classic Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

Awwww……classic Valentines. I’m always drawn back to them. They remind me of sitting down with my kids every year with a tableful of doilies, colored paper, stickers, glitter, etc and going crazy making Valentines for each family member. They loved it! It was an arts and crafts day along with a big ‘ole family tradition all wrapped into one. Good memories.

Sending you all affection and gratitude on this very special day to share LOVE.

Happy Valentines Day!



Cookies for Ukraine 2017

Here are the simple and small cookies that I took on our Ukraine 2017 trip.
To read about the actual trip, check out this blog post.

Every year when I'm prepping for the Ukraine trip, the foremost thought I have is what shape and design of cookie I should take. (I know.....what a shocker?!)

I need to take at least 150 cookies, so they can't be too big.
And since I'm making so many, I want them to be as easy as possible.
But I also want to make something unique and beautiful to delight the recipients. :)

After CookieCon 2017, I branched out and tried The Painted Box's gorgeous watercolor techniques. Angela was especially helpful to me and answered all my questions. (Thanks Angela!) So it seemed fitting to decorate some watercolored cookies since the total decorating time is fairly minimal....especially when you're just dabbing on a rainbow of colors. 

For these cookies I flooded all of them with white glaze and let them dry overnight.
The next day, I just painted various colors across each rectangle and then splattered some wet gold luster dust over them. (The videos below depict my methods fairly well.)

The cookies were well received and brought many smiles. 


Watercolors + Edible Clay Decorated Cookie Collection

After my first attempt at watercolor decorating, I knew I would have to experiment much more to start to get the hang of it.
For this set, I decided to try watercolors on both dried glaze and on my edible clay recipe.
In addition, I used lots of gold dust to add splashes of beauty to each cookie.
Progress is being made......but it is definitely a work in progress.


Make them BOLD with Red and Gold Cookie Collection

Every once in a while, I just pick a few basic colors and then create a ton of different random shapes using as many techniques as possible. It allows my creativity to blossom and it produces some pretty strange combinations. But it is pure fun to pull it all together.

Here's my BOLD with Red & Gold cookie all it's boldness. ❤️

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