knitted — Blog — CookieCrazie


Classic Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

Awwww……classic Valentines. I’m always drawn back to them. They remind me of sitting down with my kids every year with a tableful of doilies, colored paper, stickers, glitter, etc and going crazy making Valentines for each family member. They loved it! It was an arts and crafts day along with a big ‘ole family tradition all wrapped into one. Good memories.

Sending you all affection and gratitude on this very special day to share LOVE.

Happy Valentines Day!



Hot Cocoa WARM UP Decorated Cookie Collection

What do you get when you put chocolate, heavy cream, marshmallows, whipped cream, sprinkles, peppermint sticks, and cinnamon sticks together?

Surely this collection of cookies will warm up even the most frozen winter adventurer!


Letter cutters found HERE


Crocheted Baby Cookies (Tutorial)

When thinking about what textures to do for baby cookies......
it seemed natural to lean toward a crocheted and/or knitted look.

SillisShop in Etsy has some perfect molds to accomplish crocheted/knitted texture.

Outline and flood any shape you'd like in the colors of choice.

Allow the glaze to dry for about 4 hours.

Press the texture mats into the partially dried glaze.

Quick, easy......and so pretty!

Baby Gender Reveal Cookie Collection
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