bunting — Blog — CookieCrazie


Finn's 3rd Birthday Monster Truck/Race Car Decorated Cookie Collection

Finn’s third birthday happened right when I was having my second cancer surgery to remove malignant lymph nodes. I only had a few days notice about the surgery, but thankfully I had planned the theme and shapes ahead of time. Just a few days before surgery, I managed to make him his “dream birthday cookies”. The boy LOVES monster trucks, race cars, and anything that GOES.

Finnegan Asher was born three years ago! He was a preemie and his birth day was a bit traumatic…..especially for his momma (my daughter). But healing occurred and God blessed them all. I’m so thankful for my family. :)

Decorating these cookies was pure JOY…..and a great distraction from the procedure I was anticipating just a few days later. And seeing that HUGE smile on his face was worth it all.

Isn’t it awesome to create special things for our loves? ❤️


Autumn Decorated Cookie Collection 2019

Autumn…..LOVE IT!

So much about it can be emulated in cookies. I always lean toward the rustic side.

And as it’s become my habit, I wanted to use this set to remind me of truth.

“To everything there is a season” Ecclesiastes 3:1.

Thank you God for all the seasons…..each year…..and in our lives…



INSPIRE 2019 Back-To-School Decorated Cookie Collection

I know, I know……no one wants to think about summer being over and school starting back (except maybe mom! haha). But school starts in a few weeks….so it’s time to get INSPIRED. :)

It’s funny…..I homeschooled my kids. So they were never in a “real” classroom. And yet, I really LOVE doing back to school cookies.

As has become my pattern…..I don’t want to just create a bunch of random cookies. I really want each collection to convey a message. INSPIRE is this collection’s theme. It’s my desire every day to inspire others the way God has inspired me to keep at this CRAZIE hobby I have. What better purpose in life than to inspire others to greatness……



Happy Day Decorated Cookie Collection

I love to squeeze a birthday set amongst all the season cookies sets made throughout the year.

This one is named “Happy Day” because my sweet granddaughter, Emmy, said this very phrase at the end of the day on her first birthday. It almost made me want to cry to hear her say those words. I’m not sure she understood what she was saying…..but it truly was a HAPPY day. :)

Be sure to treasure each one. I’ve learned that each moment is a gift. There are no guarantees of tomorrow. Make today ALL that it can be. It may not always be happy, but it can be meaningful in every way. :)



Country Valentines Decorated Cookie Collection

How many ways are there to show love on a cookie? Apparently, there is an endless number. :)

Different shapes, textures, and colors……just throwing out a few more options to add to the list.

Love is all you need! 💜

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