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Holly Jolly Christmas Decorated Cookie Collection

Mixin’ it up with the Christmas cookies…..non-traditional colors and shapes. Lots of fun!

There’s something so whimsical about Christmas. I remember getting so excited during the season when my kids were little. And now… excitement transfers to my grandchildren. I am looking forward to when they are old enough to decorate cookies with me. Oh the memories…..

Have a HOLLY JOLLY Christmas!



Christmas Cheer Decorated Cookie Collection

Christmas is definitely a favorite for many. There’s just so many aspects that are delight to every sense and mesmerizing.

I love to start off the season with a more traditional set of cookies that reflect all the red and green beauty around us.

I named this collection CHEER because these cookies (and the season) do exactly what the definition states…

CHEER: [ cheer ] noun
-something that gives joy or gladness; encouragement; comfort:

May your Christmas season be filled with good cheer!



Emmy's 2nd Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection

Emmy, my granddaughter, turned TWO!

Time is flying…..we notice it most when we watch these wee ones grow crazy fast!

I made gluten free and sugar free cookies for my sweet Emmy-Lou-Who. Despite the changes in the recipe, she loved them!

There’s nothing better than making cookies for the ones you love. Take the time. It is worth it!



Flower DELIGHT Decorated Cookie Collection

With a desire to dwell on truth and create cookies that reflect my heart, here is the flower DELIGHT collection. I LOVE flowers! So it made sense to create them when emphasizing delight. :)

This color combo always gets me……pinks, greens and yellows. Just thinking about all of them together makes me smile…..I guess that counts for being delighted x2.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4



Rustic Americana Decorated Cookie Collection

Today is Memorial Day….so this is my way of honoring those who have given so much for Americans to remain free.

Hurray for the red white and blue.
I’m a proud American and happy to create this rustic Americana set of cookies.

There’s something about patriotic designs that always make me want to “antique” them and make them more vintage. It’s pretty easy to add age to a decorated cookie. Just allow it to dry overnight and then make a thin mixture of brown dust and alcohol….dab it all over the cookie and then blot it with a clean cloth.

May God bless America.


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