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pedestal cake

Emmy's 2nd Birthday Decorated Cookie Collection

Emmy, my granddaughter, turned TWO!

Time is flying…..we notice it most when we watch these wee ones grow crazy fast!

I made gluten free and sugar free cookies for my sweet Emmy-Lou-Who. Despite the changes in the recipe, she loved them!

There’s nothing better than making cookies for the ones you love. Take the time. It is worth it!



Happy Day Decorated Cookie Collection

I love to squeeze a birthday set amongst all the season cookies sets made throughout the year.

This one is named “Happy Day” because my sweet granddaughter, Emmy, said this very phrase at the end of the day on her first birthday. It almost made me want to cry to hear her say those words. I’m not sure she understood what she was saying…..but it truly was a HAPPY day. :)

Be sure to treasure each one. I’ve learned that each moment is a gift. There are no guarantees of tomorrow. Make today ALL that it can be. It may not always be happy, but it can be meaningful in every way. :)



Happy 4th of July, America Decorated Cookie Collection

Bring out your red white and blue decorations with lots of sparkly silver.....we are celebrating the birthday of America! YEAH! 🎉

There's so much to be thankful for. I thank God often that I've lived my life as an American and have had such incredible freedoms. 

Hurray for the RED WHITE and BLUE....

God bless America!



Birthday with SHINE Decorated Cookie Collection

I love to fit an updated birthday cookie set in between all the seasonal cookies.....just to try out new cutters, techniques and products for one of the most common cookie needs around.....BIRTHDAY! 

For this set, I chose to feature silver with pretty blues and a touch of peach. 

Hopefully this set finds one of you with a birthday close by so you feel the birthday love and enjoy the sentiment. I wish I could send your the cookies through the computer/phone screen. :)


Birthday Party Decorated Cookie Collection

It's time to P-A-R-T-Y!


There are so many fun birthday-themed cookie cutter shapes out there to make a fun set of cookies for someone's special day. Enjoy!

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