America — Blog — CookieCrazie


Happy 4th of July, America Decorated Cookie Collection

Bring out your red white and blue decorations with lots of sparkly silver.....we are celebrating the birthday of America! YEAH! 🎉

There's so much to be thankful for. I thank God often that I've lived my life as an American and have had such incredible freedoms. 

Hurray for the RED WHITE and BLUE....

God bless America!



Happy Independence Day 2017 Decorated Cookie Collection

As we celebrate the birth of our great nation and enjoy the sweet freedom that was acquired from it's formation, may we be thankful for all that we have each and every day. 

God bless America!



Happy Independence Day!


Firework Rocket Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

And the rockets red glare.....the bombs bursting in air........ 🎇 

I love to make a grouping of cookies that display lots of color and pattern.
Firework rockets were a perfect choice for that. 

You could use any cutter  that has a long rectangle of some sort in it. You just need to cut one end to have a point for the rocket. (see photo below)
Using this pencil cutter requires no extra cutting at all. 

Outline and flood the body of the rockets with fun red, white and blue patterns using wet-on-wet technique.

Add the rocket tops and any additional details to the rocket body.
Pipe a stick or a fuse to the bottom of the rocket.
(see photo below)

Add the sparks to each rocket fuse in white glaze.
Allow the cookie to dry overnight.

Mix silver dust with vodka or clear extract (ex. almond extract) to paint over the fuse sparks.

And now it's time to light the fuses and watch the fireworks....... :)


CookieCrazie Chatter...... Friday, June 27, 2014

Join CookieCrazie for......

Cookie'sCool November 14 - 16, 2014 in Genoa, Italy

CookieCruise 2015 on January 22-26, 2015


CookieCrazie's Week in Review




Personal Side

It was a very different theme for cookies this week.
The supervisor I've had at the hospital since 1991 is retiring.
I wanted to make her some special cookies with the clinical laboratory theme.
It was really fun.....but really different. 
I made blood cells, blood tubes, a microscope silhouette, and some plaque-type cookies.
The party was yesterday afternoon.
It was fun to hear the reactions to the cookies. :)

Next week, I've planned another week off from cookies to finish our Ukraine plans.
It's hard to believe that we will leave in less than 6 weeks!
I hope to get the Bible study finalized and other things in place.

It's always good for me to get away from cookies.......
because when I come back......I'm refreshed and super excited about the next set.
Believe it or not, I plan to start working on some autumn themes since I'll be gone most of August.


Instagram photos for this week:

Scoops of yum..... Happy Friday!

 A special birthday to celebrate in just two weeks.....

Double or Triple Dip!

Mmmmm.... Scoops & Scoops of Ice Cream for your Tuesday.
Hope it's a great day!

This week my two professions collided.
Any guesses on what these cookies are?


Last CookieCrazie Chatter....

A-M-E-R-I-C-A Cookies in Wood & Buttons (Tutorial)

I love America.......
and I love these helvetica letter cutters......
so it made sense to combine them together. :)

There are several ways to get a wood grain effect.
I've done the wet-on-wet technique and then added lines with food color markers in the past.
This time I painted on the wood grain effects.

Outline and flood with brown 10-second glaze.

Dry overnight.

Combine food color gels (gold, brown, white) to get varying shades of brown.
Paint on wood grain marks on the letters.

Using edible glaze molding clay and some button molds (I used this one and this one),
make some clay buttons in red, white (or beige), and blue colors.

Instructions on making clay molds is here.

Gently press the buttons onto the letter cookies in a random pattern.

If desired, add stitch marks between button holes.

Happy Birthday America 2014 Cookie Collection

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