United States of America — Blog — CookieCrazie

United States of America

Happy 4th of July, America Decorated Cookie Collection

Bring out your red white and blue decorations with lots of sparkly silver.....we are celebrating the birthday of America! YEAH! 🎉

There's so much to be thankful for. I thank God often that I've lived my life as an American and have had such incredible freedoms. 

Hurray for the RED WHITE and BLUE....

God bless America!



Happy Independence Day 2017 Decorated Cookie Collection

As we celebrate the birth of our great nation and enjoy the sweet freedom that was acquired from it's formation, may we be thankful for all that we have each and every day. 

God bless America!



Happy Independence Day!


Patriotic Medallion Bunting Decorated Cookies (Tutorial)

I found some really cute patriotic medallions in my search for Independence Day decorations.
It immediately got me to wondering if I could replicate them in cookie form. (That seems to be very common in my CRAZIE brain!)

Simple simple simple.......

Outline and flood a round cookie with red, white and blue glaze. These can all be done at the same time. You'll be creating a bull's eye effect by piping the outer edge with blue glaze, the middle with white glaze, and the inside circle with red glaze. (see photo below)

Once the flooded cookie has dried for about 1 - 1-1/2 hours, use a cake tester to make diameter lines all the way around it.

In the cookies shown above, I ended up marking them with additional diameter lines to create a more complete look.

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