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INSPIRE 2019 Back-To-School Decorated Cookie Collection

I know, I know……no one wants to think about summer being over and school starting back (except maybe mom! haha). But school starts in a few weeks….so it’s time to get INSPIRED. :)

It’s funny…..I homeschooled my kids. So they were never in a “real” classroom. And yet, I really LOVE doing back to school cookies.

As has become my pattern…..I don’t want to just create a bunch of random cookies. I really want each collection to convey a message. INSPIRE is this collection’s theme. It’s my desire every day to inspire others the way God has inspired me to keep at this CRAZIE hobby I have. What better purpose in life than to inspire others to greatness……



Finn's Birthday Fleet Decorated Cookie Collection

It’s hard to believe…..but my first grandchild is turning two years old! Wow. When you think time flies by……you realize that you’ve underestimated it in a big way. I’ve also heard that time moves faster the older you get. Oh boy….

Finnegan Asher was born two years ago in November 2016. He was 6 weeks premature and in the NICU for 9 days. But he was strong and healthy….and came home to outgrow any time he might have been “behind”.

Now he is an active curious boy…..that doesn’t leave anything unturned. haha He is busy busy busy…..and so fun to watch.

Finn’s favorite thing right now is CARS! He loves them…..all kinds….actually anything with wheels. So it seemed perfect to get out this set of cutters and wheels to make a bunch of his favorites.

Happy Birthday Finnegan! 🎉 Grammy loves you so much. ❤️

His favorite……Lightening ‘Queen :)

Emmy (my granddaughter) got in on the car cookies too.

Finn was kind enough to allow Emmy to try out his Lightening McQueen slippers. :)

Awww…..I love these two so much. ❤️


Old School Cookie Collection

What is it about back-to-school theme that is so very very fun?

I remember when I would go to purchase all the supplies for my kids
before we started back to homeschool each year.
It's that same kind of giddy feeling.
It must have to do with a "new beginning"......all fresh and clean.

This year seemed like a good time to take on a more vintage feel for the back-to-school cookies.
And that is how the Old School Cookie Collection was born.

Here's to an awesome year of learning!




Old School Cookie Collection

Back-To-School Letter Pressed Cookies (Tutorial)

Now that I've acquired a cute little letter press set (from my precious daughter-in-law & son),
I'm inclined to find a way to use it on most of my cookies.
And back-to-school cookies are the perfect recipients. :)

Note: These are tiny little letters & numbers that need to be cut apart when you receive the set.
I used a big set of clippers to snip off all excess plastic around each individual letter block.
(It was tedious and time consuming......but worth the time in the end.)
This way, the letters will sit nicely against each other in the holding bar to make words.
Also, be careful when washing them.
It is easy to wash a few down the drain!
I put a dishcloth over the drain and set all the letters on it to wash them.

Once you have the letter press set ready to go......the fun begins!

As you can see in the photo below, you can decorate your shapes as plain or as detailed as you'd like.

After decorating them, allow them to dry for approximately 3-1/2 hours (when using glaze).
Then carefully press the letters (either individually or on the holding bar) into the glaze.
(First, I use the holding bar to ensure the letters are evenly aligned and spaced.....
and if any impressions were not firm enough on the first try,
I go back with the individual letters and re-press them.)

For an awesome tutorial on the notebook paper cookie, use SweetAmbs version.

Super fun......and fairly easy. :)

Back-To-School 2014 Cookie Collection
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