While I was in L'viv Ukraine this summer, I marveled at how beautiful all the old buildings were. They have such a charm about them. Oh the stories they could tell if they could speak. Every time I saw exposed brick, I reminded myself to try making a cookie with that look once I returned home.

So here I am.....fulfilling that dream I had back in June. :)
Using a brick embosser, push it face down into the sugar cookie dough and roll over it with the rolling pin to make a deep impression in the dough. Then use a cutter-shape-of-your-choice, cut out the dough to capture that beautiful brick impression.
(see photo & video below)
Once the cookie is baked and cooled, brush over the entire surface with dry red dust.
Next brush over random areas of it with pearl dust to give it an aged sheen.
Mix up some pale gray glaze and add enough powdered sugar to make it so thick it won't stick to your fingers. Spread it over portions of the brick without uniformity.
(Take a look at exposed brick.....it is totally random how the top layer has worn and broken off.)
And there you have it.......beautiful exposed brick.
I can hardly wait to try this on my winter scenes this year.....adding wintry precipitation too. :)